Arigato, Japonia! 33. Kinkaku-ji / Arigato, Japan! 33. Kinkaku-ji

Kinkaku-ji, also under UNESCO protection, is – may be – the most famous place in Kyoto. If somebody is in town just for one day, will visit compulsory this temple. Actually the name of the temple is Rokuon, and Kinkaku is the well known Golden Pavilion.

At the beginning, in 1220, here was the villa of Kintsune Saionji but, afterwards, the 3rd. shogun of Ashikaga bought the property in 1397. During the Onin War (civil war which lasted 10 years, during Muromachi era)the buildings have been burnt – like everywhere in Kyoto – and then the shogun begun to construct Kitayamaden, which was transformed into a Zen temple after his death. 

The Golden Pavilion has 3 levels, built in different styles. On the roof, a golden Phoenix follows the passing of time. The pavilion mirrors in the pond. An alley goes around the pond, so you can admire the pavilion from different angles.

After I spent some time there, I went further, passing near some little statues, where a bowl has been put to throw coins there “for luck”, a little waterfall called Ryumon Taki, and another pond, smaller, called Anmintaku. In the middle, on a small islet is the Pagoda of the White Snake, Hakuja-no-tsuga.

You may also visit Sekkatei Teahouse (Edo era, 17 century), and the Fudodo Shrine, which enshrines Fudodo, the God of Wisdom and protector of Buddhism, Fudodo.

Kinkaku-ji, si el in patrimoniu UNESCO, este – poate – locul cel mai faimos din Kyoto, o adevarata emblema a sa. Daca cineva se afla in oras doar pentru o zi, sigur il va vizita! Templul se numeste, de fapt, Rokuon si, in 1220 era vila lui Kintsune Saionji. In 1397, al 3-lea shogun de Ashikaga s-a stabilit aici dupa abdicare si a inceput sa construiasca Kitayamaden, care, dupa moartea sa, a fost transformat in templu Zen. Toate celelalte constructii din vremea aceea s-ar distrus in timp, rezistand doar Kinkaku, Pavilionul de Aur. Gradina a ramas si ea intacta.

Initial, Kinkaku a purtat numele de Shariden. Etajul I este construit in stilul palatului, Shinden-zukuri, si se numeste Ho-sui-in. Etajul al doilea, Buke-zukuri, este in stilul locuintei unui samurai, Cho-on-do, iar ultimul etaj in stilul unui templu Zen sau Karayo, se numeste Kukkyo-cho. Sa nu va inchipuiti ca stiu pe de rost aceste denumiri! Le-am gasit in pliantul care ti se da la intrare, impreuna cu biletul (400 yen). Cele doua etaje superioare sunt invelite in foita de aur. Deasupra, pe acoperis, vegheaza Phoenixul in stil chinezesc. Ultima renovare a pavilionului dateaza din 1987.

Somon, intrarea principala
 Chumon, poarta de mijloc
 Shoro, clopotnita
piatra in forma de barca
 Kinkaku, Pavilionul de Aur
 Kyoko-chi, lacul-oglinda
 Phoenixul chinezesc

Dupa ce am admirat pavilionul si lacul din toate unghiurile, m-am indreptat spre un iaz mai mic, numit Anmintaku. In mijlocul sau, pe o mica insula, se inalta Hakuja-no-tsuga, Pagoda Sarpelui Alb. Pe drum, am trecut pe langa cateva mici statui langa care era amplasat un vas in care se aruncau monezi, “pentru noroc”. Cascada Ryumon Taki (2.3 m) povesteste o frumoasa credinta chinezeasca. Piatra din fata sa, acoperita de muschi si avand forma unui crap este eroul principal. Se spune ca un crap care inoata impotriva curentului intr-o cascada, se va transforma in dragon. De aici deriva si numele cascadei, Poarta dragonului Ryumon.

 Ryumon Taki
 iazul Anmintaku
 Hakuja-no-tsuga, Pagoda Sarpelui Alb

Trecand pe langa o ceainarie unde se servea matcha (ceai verde, batut cu maturica) la mesele joase, raspandite printre copaci, am vizitat si vechea ceainarie Sekkatei, adaugata complexului in perioada Edo (sec. 17), cu ocazia vizitei imparatului Gomizunoo. Ceainaria a fost restaurata in 1997.

 Sekkatei, ceainaria veche, din sec. 17
ceainaria noua
In sfarsit, ma indrept spre iesire, nu inainte de a vedea micul altar Fudodo, care il adaposteste pe Zeul Intelepciunii si protectorul budhismului, Fudodo.
 Fudodo Shrine


Arigato, Japonia! 33. Kinkaku-ji / Arigato, Japan! 33. Kinkaku-ji — 6 Comments

  1. Hoe kan het dat ik hier geen andere reacties zie???????

    What another great photo’s Traveling Hawk. The Golden Pavilion bring your beautiful image in there and you write very well about. The information I find very important and so I pass on to always have something. What I saw were beautiful pictures of lotions with plants and trees. Really … I think that’s so beautiful! Really again enjoy these valuable pictures and description.

    Kind regards, Helma

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