Arigato, Japonia! 37. Sub-templul Kogen-ji, Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 37. Sub-temple Kogen-ji in Arashiyama

Before Tenryu-ji, I am attracted by a small temple. It is Kogen-ji, a sub-temple in the big Tenryu-ji complex. Entrance fee is 500 yen and I have the place all for myself.

Kogen-ji has been constructed by Hosokawa Ukyou Daifu Mochiyuki, an official of the Muromachi shogun, in 1429.
The main hall is arranged in Kyakuden style, which is more an residential style than a temple one. The ceiling is adorned with floral motifs of the four seasons, and the walls present paitings of the Kyoto Shijo painting school.
The small rock garden has been renovated recently, and the borrowed landscape of the Arashiyama Mt. Adds to its charm. It is an atmosphere of calm and relaxation.

Inainte de a ajunge la Tenryu-ji, imi atrage privirea curtea unui mic templu. Este Kogen-ji, un subtemplu din complexul Tenryu-ji, cum aveam sa aflu la intrare. Biletul costa 500 yen si, deocamdata, sunt singura aici. Kogen-ji a fost construit in 1429 de catre un oficial al shogunului Muromachi, pe nume Hosokawa Ukyou Daifu Mochiyuki.
Cladirea principala este construita in stil Kyakuden, ceea ce presupune mai mult un aspect de locuinta decat de templu. Tavanul este pictata cu motive florale din cele patru anotimpuri si peretii sunt impodobiti cu picturi apartinand Scolii Shijo din Kyoto.
Mica gradina de piatra a fost restaurata recent. Peisajul imprumutat al Muntelui Arashiyama adauga la farmecul ei. Atmosfera de relaxare, de calm si impacare.


Arigato, Japonia! 37. Sub-templul Kogen-ji, Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 37. Sub-temple Kogen-ji in Arashiyama — 14 Comments

  1. You were so alone in that little temple Traveling Hawk. How much is 500 yen? The drawings of the animals I find very beautiful, but also the branches with flowers on the door. Because your whole blog around lets you see details of this beautiful temple and other places.

    Greetings, Helma

  2. Roughly 5$, Helma. This is what I like at all those temples: they are not only worship places but also arts, and plants, and birds, and waters. They are so well integrated into the nature.

  3. Such a cute temple, I loved the landscaping, the water bodies, the flowers and the Zen garden.
    Do they only meditate in that Zen garden, if they do, how does the garden remain the same, with patterns on the sea sand?

  4. Hi, rama! As I said, I was the only visitor at that time so I do not know for sure if they meditate there. But I presume anybody can do that, if the space provide sufficient concentration conditions. Those gardens are raked whenever it is necessary.

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