Momente din Seul 25. Zona COEX / Seoul Moments 25. COEX Zone

COEX is the biggest underground mall in Asia but I entered there only to change some money at a bank and to eat at the  O’Kim’s Brauhaus (I told about it here: In this post I intend to show … Continue reading

Momente din Seul 24. Biwon sau Gradina Secreta ? / Seoul Moments 24. Buwon or the Secret Garden?

The question mark in the title stands for the names of this garden, during the time: The North Garden, The Forbidden Garden or the Secret Garden? The last one is not very much liked by the authorities (as I read … Continue reading

Momente din Seul 23. Palatul Cheangdeokgung / Seoul Moments 23. Cheangdeokgung Palace

The Cheangdeokgung Palace, included among the UNESCO’s treasures, was built between 1405-1412, during the reign of the King Taejong, The entrance fee is less than 2 euros and you may visit any day, except on Mondays, between 9-18.30. The access … Continue reading

Momente din Seul 21. Altarul Wongudan / Seoul Moments 21. Wongudan Altar

The Wongudan Temple is a jewel unknown for many of the inhabitants of Seoul. It was erected on 1897, in the period when the king Sojong autoproclaimed himself emperor of the Daehan Empire. As this was a title which made … Continue reading