O particularitate a Maltei: insemnele din portelan

Imi place intotdeauna sa incerc sa gasesc ceva deosebit in locurile prin care calatoresc, ceva care sa le scoata in evidenta. In Malta, acest lucru este reprezentat de insemnele din portelan, cu subiect preponderent religios, aplicate langa poarta caselor.


Uneori, sub insemn se afla un nume simplu sau un nume de sfant.

DSCF0138 DSCF0166 DSCF0147 DSCF0168 DSCF0677 DSCF0626 DSCF0679 DSCF0741 DSCF1262 DSCF1337 DSCF1272 DSCF1341 DSCF1343 DSCF3234

Pe foarte multe case am vazut numere din portelan sau placute cu numele proprietarei.

DSCF0176 DSCF0169 DSCF0146 DSCF0661

Nu stiu cati baga in seama acest lucru sau daca e de luat in seama dar mie aceste detalii imi vorbesc despre credinta si evalavia locuitorilor acestei insule, precum si despre simtul lor artistic.

Ati vrea asemenea numere la casele voastre?

A Peculiarity of Malta: the Porcelain Signs

I enjoy finding something special in the places I visit, something that sets them apart. In Malta, I have found porcelain signs, mostly with a religious theme, next to the house doors.

Sometimes the name of the house, the owner or the saint is mentioned underneath. Many of the house numbers are also applied porcelain plaques. I do not know how significant this detail is, but for me it tells of the faith of its inhabitants and their aesthetic preferences.

Would you enjoy such house numbers?


O particularitate a Maltei: insemnele din portelan — 14 Comments

  1. What a beautiful and special blog.
    I have already told you that you have an eye for details. What I see here is absolutely fantastic. Beautiful icons adorn the facades. The house numbers are very colorful and colorful. Wonderful to see ..

  2. I feel my heart healed when I see these religious engravings.(Virgin Mary,I suppose.)
    Such religious engravings bring us peace of mind. They are not seen in Japan.

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