Povestiri din Rajahstan 22. Jaswant Thada, Jodhpur / Stories of Rajahsthan 22. Jaswant Thada, Jodhpur

Jaswant Thada, a construction with a religious significance, is a mausoleum dedicated by Serdar Singh to Maharaja Jaswant Singh II. It was erected in 1899.
This is a lovely spot as you may find there a small lake, visited by birds and you may see, to the horizon, the big wall encircling the town. The terraces offer nice views over the town. There is also a garden full of flowers and trees and some cenotaphs.Red stone and white marble have been the construction materials. The symmetry of the building is enchanting. A lot of details demonstrate the mastership of those responsible for stone masonry.

The entrance is 30 Rp/ person and for the camera you have to pay 25 Rp. As in temples, you have to leave your shoes at the stairs.

Jaswant Thada este primul obiectiv la care ne oprim in Jodhpur. Este locul in care erau incinerati conducatorii orasului. In 1899, Serdar Singh a construit aici un splendid monument inchinat Maharajei Jaswant Singh II, un fel de Taj Mahal local, mult apreciat de turisti.

Frumusetea locului este data de cateva elemente. Mausoleul este construit pe o inaltime, avand langa el un mic lac, vizitat de pasaret. Linia orizontului este marcata de acel zid care inconjoara orasul, despre care am amintit in postarea anterioara.

Apoi, o gradina cu arbori si flori inconjoara constructia principala, iar de la marginea sa se deschide o frumoasa panorama asupra orasului. Cateva cenotafuri, mai recente decat altele vazute pana acum, infrumuseteaza si ele locul.

in zare, Palatul Umaid Bhawan, una din cele mai mari resedinte private din lume, partial hotel de lux
 cenotafuri, in gradina

Materialele de constructie au fost gresia rosie pentru treptele de acces si terasa si marmora alba pentru mausoleu.

Privim intai cladirea in ansamblul sau, admirand linia si simetria numeroaselor chattris-uri. Si aici, ca si in alte parti, o multime de porumbei. Marmora alba, aproape translucida, se profileaza splendid pe cerul de un albastru intens.

Lasam incaltarile la baza treptelor si pornim sa facem inconjurul cladirii pentru a surprinde cateva detalii.

Intram intr-o sala imensa. Pe pereti, portrete ale stapanilor Rathore. Un paznic citeste ziarul la adapostul unui jhali. Mai multi turisti indieni se opresc in diverse locuri, discutand intre ei. Cu certitudine inteleg mai bine decat noi despre ce este vorba…Oricum si noi am inteles ca este un loc cu o profunda semnificatie religioasa pentru ei.

Inainte de plecare, cateva fotografii din cerdacul de la iesire.


Povestiri din Rajahstan 22. Jaswant Thada, Jodhpur / Stories of Rajahsthan 22. Jaswant Thada, Jodhpur — 46 Comments

  1. Amazing use of framing techniques again, Traveling Hawk. I walked and walked with you again in this photo tour.

    The man reading a newspaper by the window is a winner for me.

    Thanks for this wonderful trip.

  2. Hi, Traveling Hawk. We are reflections of our works. So far, the more I read about the stories you wrote, and the more I see your photos, I get to know you. Same with other photobloggers.

    Your works are always interesting, and wonderful. You are a winner for me…and perhaps to all of your readers too.

    Keep inspiring us, because in this part of the world, someone is always waiting for your informative stories and beautiful photos…that’s me.

    HAPPY HEART’S DAY, my friend. 🙂

  3. Este superb locul, iar pozele m-au lasat fara cuvinte,chiar aduce cu Taj Mahal, prin sculpturile de ziduri si prin asezare.

    Oricat am citi sau am vedea, continui sa cred ca pentru noi, europenii , India va ramane mereu secreta si misterioasa.

  4. am zis de la primele fotografii ca postul asta va fi altfel, dar probabil au fost o pauza, sau o paranteza. oricum vad ca la fiecare post infiltrezi cite o fotografie, care, cel putin pe mine, ma impresioneaza – aici fiind tipul care citeste ziarul.
    o zi frumoasa.

  5. It was a place from were Umaid Bhawan Palace could be observed but, unfortunately, we did not have enough time to visit that objective too. It is not an old construction but it is said it is very luxury. Thank you, Randy, for your visit!

  6. Ma bucur ca ai observat, pharaonx, stradania asta a mea…

    De fapt, postarile sunt asemanatoare (de aceea am si intrebat la un moment dat daca nu v-ati plictisit)pentru ca am vizitat acelasi tip de obiective: forturi cu palate si temple dar, in fiecare locatie a fost si cate ceva particular. Aici a fost acel mic lac care si pe mine m-a incantat. In plus, sunt si detaliile cumva diferite din fiecare locatie…

  7. Jodhpur is a favourite touristic place. I would have rather see the off the beatten path places but I had not enough time. At least a month for Rajahsthan, Siddartha Joshi! Thank you for the visit.

  8. My country is so beautiful and Rajasthan is a shining glory… Even I have blogged about the place…
    You have covered the place very well, great pics!!
    Visit my travel blog when you have free time!
    Have a wonderful week:-)

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