Satul olandez, Singapore

In Holland Village un alt cartier etnic din Singapore, oamenii merg pentru numeroasele restaurante, cu specific diferit, care se află acolo. Nu este greu de găsit deoarece există o stație de metrou care poartă chiar acest nume, pe Circle Line.

DSCN1963 - Copystația de metrou Holland Village

DSCN1958în Holland Village

Atmosfera este aici diferită de cea a districtului arab. Este lume mai puțină pe străzi, zona devenind mai aglomerată seara, când sunt căutate restaurantele.

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Apropierea de Grădina Botanică, un obiectiv vizitat de mulți turiști, face din Holland Village o oprire aproape obligatorie, măcar pentru o cafea și o prăjitură.


Holland Village, Singapore

One can easily visit the Holland Village using the Circle Line and stop at Holland Village station. It is a small neighbourhood were people come especially for dinner. There are a lot of restaurants here, with different specific. It is also close to the Botanic Garden, an appreciated objective in Singapore, so many tourists stop here at least for a coffee and a cake.


Satul olandez, Singapore — 2 Comments

  1. Interesting place! Holland Village in Singapore.It is new to me.
    Is this a district where many Dutch people live?
    And did you have Dutch dishes there?
    What a cute strawberry cake!

    • I only eat the cake and have a coffee, it was afternoon when we were there. I think there are not many restaurants serving Dutch dishes. Dutch expats, living in Singapore, visit there. The name comes from Holland Road, which bears the name of an architect, who used to live there.

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