Stuttgart, prima impresie

Sa nu credeti cumva ca m-am pierdut in Coreea de Sud! Am revenit de doua saptamani dar am fost (si inca sunt) foarte ocupata, asa ca va dura putin pana fac ordine in cele peste 3800 poze si tonele de impresii…

Pana atunci, va povestesc si va arat ce am vazut in Germania, in cele 5 zile petrecute acolo, in luna aprilie.

DSCN7212Nuremberg, la castel

DSCN0253Ludwigsburg, piata din Orasul Vechi


Desi am locuit in Stuttgart, am vazut doar putin, mai mult niste instantanee foto as zice, deoarece am plecat in fiecare zi spre alta directie…

Aflat sub semnul BOSCH si MERCEDES, a caror sigla o vezi peste tot in oras, Stuttgartul este un frumos oras modern, cu o populatie proprie de peste 600000 de locuitori dar care adaposteste, impreuna cu toti satelitii sai, peste 5 milioane de oameni. Capitala a landului Baden-Wurttenberg, este asezat pe dealuri si vai, la o ora distanta de Padurea Neagra. Conform noului sau slogan, datand din 2008, Stuttgart se doreste a fi “Noua inima a Europei”. E greu de spus in ce masura ii reuseste acest lucru dar, cu certitudine, din punct de vedere turistic, are multe de oferit. Gratie unui sistem de transport excelent pus la punct, reuseste sa ofere calatorului perspective asupra vechiului si noului, care se impletesc armonios in regiune. Astfel, o suita de castele si ruine de cetati, centre vechi cu specifica arhitectura Fachwerk, vii intinse, parcuri ingrijite dar si numeroase si interesante muzee, fantani decorative, biserici impresionante alcatuiesc un caleidoscop de obiective care te tin ocupat zile intregi. Initial, ma gandisem sa dau de acolo o fuga pana la Zurich, in Elvetia si la Strasbourg, in Franta ( se ajunge cu trenul in 3.5 si respectiv 2 ore), dar m-am razgandit cand am realizat ce multe am de vazut acolo.

Dupa cum aminteam, din Stuttgart mi-au ramas pe retina doar crampeie, o plimbare propriu-zis facand doar intr-o singura dupa-amiaza. In rest, cate ceva observat intre calatorii cu U sau S Bahn sau drumuri la gara.

Oricum, cartierul in care am locuit vremelnic cateva zile (Kaltental, circumscriptia Heslach) m-a incantat cu un aer familiar, ce-mi amintea – nu stiu de ce – de Viena, adica zona in care am stat acolo. Acelasi stil de case si biserici, aceleasi gradinute inflorite la inceput de primavara. Independent pana in 1922, Kaltental sau Valea Rece s-a dezvoltat in jurul cetatii cu acelasi nume, ridicata in 1125. Din 1922 a devenit suburbie a orasului Stuttgart.

DSCN0235Kaltental, inflorit in aprilieDSCN9574 DSCN0240 DSCN9533 DSCN9531 DSCN9527 DSCN0244 DSCN9559 DSCN9560 DSCN9568 DSCN9572 DSCN9558In cartier, atrage atentia biserica evanghelica Matthaus, construita in 1881 si i renovata in 1946/1950.


Matthauskirche, Heslach

Tot aici se afla si o veche fabrica de bere, Stuttgarter Hofbrau, care dateaza de la sfasitul secolului al XIX-lea.

DSCN7279Stuttgarter Hofbrau

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transportul berii, ieri si astaziDSCN7283reclama aferenta

Cartierul e unul linistit, cu aspect de statiune de odihna pe alocuri, un loc in care te simti in siguranta. Aflat la cca. 6 km de centru, cu U Bahn – care soseste intotdeauna “nemteste”, conform orarului – ajungi acolo in 20 de minute.

DSCN9596 DSCN9583 DSCN9590 DSCN9578Despre ce poti vedea in centrul orasului, data viitoare.

Stuttgart, First Impressions

Please don’t get a false impression! I have not disappeared in South Korea! I came back in the last day of May but I was (and still am) very busy. It will last a little till I order my impressions and the over 3800 photos I brought back from Korea. Meantime, I will show you what I have seen during my 5 days stay in Stuttgart, Germany, on April, this year.

Stuttgart is a nice, modern city, under the logos of BOSCH and MERCEDES, which have their headquarters here. It has its own population of over 600000 but, together with the satelites, it has over 5 million inhabitants. Stuttgart is the capital of Baden-Wurttenberg county. It stands on hills and valleys, one hour driving distance from the Black Forest region. Its new slogan, dating from 2008, claims that Stuttgart is “Europa’s New Heart!” If it is so or not, that’s an open question, but it is for sure a location which has much to offer for the tourists.

I got fragments of impressions from Stuttgart, in fact one afternoon walk, and mostly images from my travels by U and S Bahn.

My first impressions are connected with the district were I temporarely lived: Kaltental, Heslach, in the South Stuttgart.It grow around a fastle built in the 12th. century, and it was attached to Stuttgart only in 1922.

The air of a fine resort, nice houses, parks, many flowers, reminded me of that part of Vienna were I always stayed, Hietzing. Two outstanding objectives are the evangelist Matthaus Church (1881), and the beer brewery Stuttgarter Hofbrau (end of the 19th. century).

Even if you are here at aprox. 6 km from the city center, the U Bahn takes you there in 20 minutes. What I have seen in the center, next time.


Stuttgart, prima impresie — 14 Comments

  1. What a wonderful place!
    The scenery is so beautiful,I want to visit there.
    And I want to ride this lovely yellow train ^_^

    • You will see in the following posts that it is a really nice place to be, Kumiko! Thank you for reading my posts!

    • I thnik there are many nice places in Stuttgart besides those I have seen but the time was very restricted. Thanks, for the visit.

    • Yes, as expected I had a great time in Seoul this time too. In about two weeks you will be able to see and read what I have done this time. Thanks for the welcome!

  2. Frumoase mai sunt şi oraşele astea nemţeşti, au atâta farmec. Faine şi sugestive fotografii.
    Păi dacă te “pierdeai” prin Coreea de Sud, cred că nu era nimic rău… 🙂 Bine ai revenit!

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