Pe Drumul Matasii in Uzbekistan 22. Chasma Ayub si Moscheea Magoki Attori

Nu departe de hotelul nostru si bazarele acoperite, se afla unul dintre cele mai vechi monumente ale Buharei, Moscheea Magoki Attori. Acesta este un monument pre-Islamic, construit pe locul unui templu pagan, inchinat lui Sin, zeul Lunii. Moscheea Magoki Attori … Continue reading

Pe Drumul Matasii in Uzbekistan 11. Tashkentul Vechi – Complexul Khast Imam

Acolo unde in vechime ar fi fost, se crede, centrul orasului numit Shash, s-a ridicat in cateva secole un ansamblu de monumente – scapate de urgia cutremurului – ansamblu numit Khast Imam. El s-a format in jurul mormantului primului imam … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 48. Ce fel de muzee sunt in Osaka? / Arigato, Japan! 48. What Kind of Museums Do You Find in Osaka?

Osaka is rich in museums, so I went to visit some. I also wanted to see the modern architecture and museums here are modern buildings. The National Museum of Arts was opened in the new building on 2007. The architect … Continue reading

Visul canadian ep.8 O expozitie pe malul Pacificului / Canadian dream ep.8 An Exhibition on the Pacific Shore

On our way from Victoria to Tofino, we saw an exhibition sign somewhere, so we stopped one hour and pampered ourselves on the Pacific shore. Here, on Vancouver island and the other little islands, a lot of artists made home. … Continue reading