Thassos revizitat 4. Limenas, capitala insulei / Thassos Revisited 4. Limenas – The Capital of the Island

Limenas or Thassos-town is situated on the Northern part of the island and it is the capital town. You can reach it in half an hour by ferry from Keramoti, and one and a half hour from Kavala.

A promenade, connecting the actual port with the old one, enables you to see the vessels and admire the sunsets. There is also a row of taverns which became very busy in the evening.
The town was inhabited by the ancient Greeks and by the Romans. They adorned it with temples dedicated to Hercules, Poseidon or Dionysos. On a hill, the remains of the ancient theatre and the citadel towers on Acropolis can be seen. Beautiful panoramas or sunsets are the rewards for those who climb the 137 m hill.

Limenas sau Thassos-town cum ii mai spun unii, se afla in nordul insulei si este capitala acesteia. Localitatea este locuita din cele mai vechi timpuri, fiind o insula apropiata de continent. In numai o jumatate de ora se ajunge cu ferry din Keramoti sau intr-o ora si jumatate din Kavala.
Astazi, orasul nu se deosebeste mult de alte locatii insulare. O promenada care porneste din portul nou si merge pana in cel vechi, iti da ocazia sa privesti vasele care vin si pleaca.
 in portul nou
 portul vechi
Ea te tine aproape si de salba de taverne, care seara sunt mereu pline.
Ca orice oras grecesc care se respecta si Limenas are un mic bazar, numai bun de pierdut timpul.
Stapanit pe rand de grecii antici si de romani, orasul a fost impodobit de temple inchinate lui Hercules, Poseidon sau Dionysos, ale caror urme se mai vad si in zilele noastre.

Artefactele descoperite in urma sapaturilor pot fi vazute la Muzeul Arheologic, adapostit de o frumoasa cladire clasica.

 Muzeul de Arheologie

Sus pe deal, la 137 m deasupra nivelului marii, se vad inca urmele amfiteatrului construit in sec. III inainte de Christos, care gazduia 2000-3000 de spectatori. Romanii l-au utilizat apoi pentru lupte cu gladiatori.

 spre teatrul antic
Un drum urca prin padure la Acropolis, pe care se mai vad inca urmele turnurile citadelei care se afla aici. De sus, se deschid panorame frumoase asupra orasului.


Thassos revizitat 4. Limenas, capitala insulei / Thassos Revisited 4. Limenas – The Capital of the Island — 14 Comments

  1. If you ask about tavernas, VP, it was only afternoon. In the evening there are more people. On the other side, the biggest crowd is on July-August, and we tend to avoid those month for travels. We were on Thassos on June (fisrt time), and this year on May.

    As concerns the Acropolis, it was almost sunset and the climbing/descending is a little harsh, so not many people come here at that time, I presume.

  2. Yes, Thassos is a nice place indeed, Joo, with many sides to discover. Many prefer other locations than the capital town but for our first visit there, we took as base Limenas and it was a good choice.

  3. What a beautiful photos are here between Traveling Hawk. I really like pictures of skies with the sunrise or sunset, and here I see a couple of beautiful skies.

    But also many other beautiful and colorful terraces. The antiquity shows you as there used by the ancient Greeks and Romans had adorned the temples.

    Really very nice blog.
    Kind regards, Helma

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