Thassos revizitat 5. Limenaria / Thassos revisited 5. Limenaria

There are 42 km from Limenas to Limenaria. It was founded at the end of the XIXth. century by the inhabitants from Kastro, a mountain village above Limenaria. Hills covered by olive trees are descending to the shores.
Entering the location, when you come from Potos, you can see a new church, Aghia Metamorfosi. Nearby it is a statue but no explanation.

A promenade, the beach, some little streets with souvenir shops and…that’s all. On a hill above the port, you can see Palataki, an office building which belonged to the German company that exploited here the  at the beginning of the last century.

La 42 km de Limenas, se afla Limenaria, a doua asezare ca marime a insulei. Ea a fost construita, la sfarsitul secolului al XIX-lea, de catre locuitorii din Kastro, un sat de munte de la interior. 
Dealuri cu maslini se inalta in spatele Limenariei, coborand lin spre coasta.
in drum spre Limenaria

La intrarea in localitate, venind dinspre Potos, se afla Agia Metamorfosi, o biserica mai noua, pe care am gasit-o insa inchisa. Langa ea o statuie, fara nici o explicatie.

Agia Metamorfosi
O promenada, plaja, cateva stradute cu magazine cu suveniruri si…cam atat. Pe mal, numeroase taverne stau la dispozitia amatorilor. Pe un mic deal deasupra portului, atrage atentia cladirea companiei germane care a exploatat fierul in zona, la inceputul secolului trecut. Grecii ii spun Palataki.
Waiting Peace by Costas Lovoulos


Thassos revizitat 5. Limenaria / Thassos revisited 5. Limenaria — 20 Comments

  1. What a beautiful view of the first pictures. I can therefore really enjoy it. This small church is a beautiful building and you have even a photo inside. The beach and the terrrasjes are very nice and bright. Also, your photos are very nice and bright Traveling Hawk 🙂

    Kind regards, Helma

  2. Rizalenio, the second art piece belongs to the Greek artist Costas Lovoulos, and is called “Waiting Peace” I just came home and added the info on the blog. There, in the mountains, were I have been, the internet is awful slow and I couldn’t do it.

    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

  3. Wong, in Greece (like in my country too, generally in the Balkans) the churches are closed almost all the time, and opened only during the service. This is because some bad people stole even from the church valuable things like icons, silver frames, etc.

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