(din ciclul: Un vis portughez in China: Macao)
Daca stati mai mult in Macao, va recomand o plimbare pe Dealul Guia, cu o coborare prin Parcul Flora. Dealul Guia este cel mai inalt punct din Macao. Aici se gasesc fortul, farul si capela Guia. Dupa ce le vedeti pe toate si admirati de sus panorama orasului, puteti cobori in Gradina Flora cu o telecabina sau puteti face o plimbare relaxanta pe jos, printre copaci si flori.
farul si capela Guia, Macao
Pe acest deal, portughezii au construit fortareata Guia (1637) care sa-i apere de atacurile dinspre mare, dupa incercarea nereusita a olandezilor de a captura Macao. Au ramas, marturie vremurilor in care piratii cutreierau marile Chinei si atacau asezarile de pe uscat, platforma cu tunuri si zidul puternic al fortaretei. Cu timpul, fortareata a devenit un bun punct de observatie si asupra orasului.
zidurile batranei Fortarete Guia, Macao
In interiorul fortaretei se afla frumoasa capela baroc Guia, dedicata Fecioarei din Guia. Ea a fost construita in 1626 de catre un grup de calugarite, care au pus bazele Manastirii Sf. Clara. Se mai pastreaza fragmente de fresca care reprezinta teme mitologice chineze sau din religia crestina, descoperite cu ocazia unei restaurari din 1996.
spre Capela Guia
fresca vechefresca veche, descoperita in 1996
clopotnita Capelei Guia
Din complex mai face parte si farul Guia, aflat chiar langa capela. El este cel mai vechi de pe coasta chineza si a fost construit in 1865 de catre Carlos Vicente da Rocha, un portughez nascut in Macao. Farul are forma de trunchi de con cu o inaltime de 15 m, avand un diametru de 7 m la baza si de 5 m spre varf.
Tot aici se afla si un post de unde se emit semnale de alarmare in cazul unui taifun. O mica expozitie prezinta dispozitivele care sunt arborate, in functie de amploarea fenomenului anuntat, pentru a preveni populatia. In trecut, taifunul era anuntat de clopotul capelei.
dispozitive pentru anuntat marimea taifunului iminent
poster care arata cum este ridicat dispozitivul de avertizare
O panorama de 360 grade asupra orasului si a marii ne mai retine in varful dealului.Afara e soare si o caldura placuta, mai ales cand ne gandim ca in tara e totusi, ianuarie!
Plecam apoi prin parcul frumos si bine intretinut, spre cabina care coboara in 80 de secunde in Gradina Flora, la nivelul strazii. Termometrul ne arata 24 grade Celsius si cabina nu circula luni! In celelalte zile o puteti folosi intre 8-16, coborarea costand 3 patacas. Nu facem prea mult nici pe jos, coborand niste trepte care taie serpentinele si mai pozand niste flori…
Gradina Flora este aranjata in stil european. Pe langa flori, ne atrage aici rosul unei fantani arteziene si voliera cu pauni. Parcul a facut parte din resedinta numita Palatul Flora, care a apartinut unor portughezi bogati.
Pentru cei interesati, in apropiere se afla si casa memoriala a Dr. Sun Yat Sen, considerat de catre unii parintele Chinei moderne. El a contribuit in mare masura la abolirea monarhiei si tranformarea Chinei in republica.
I Recommend You A Walk at Guia Hill and in the Flora Garden
If you are in Macao for more than one day, I recommend you a walk to Guia Hill, to visit the complex there. Guia Hill is the highest point in Macao, so it was chosen to built here the fortress, a chapel and a lighthouse, all named Guia. After you see them all, you can take a cable car to the Flora Garden.
After the Dutch trial to conquer Macao, the Macanese government decided to built a strong fortress (1637) on the Guia Hill. In time, it became a good observation point over the town.
The baroque Chapel of the Virgin of Guia was constructed in 1626 by a group of nuns. In 1996, during a routine renovation, old frescoes have been discovered, depicting both Chinese ans Western mythological figures.
Near the chapel, Guia Lighthouse is the first of this kind constructed on the Chinese coast (1865). The builder was a Portuguese born in Macao, Carlos Vicente da Rocha
The lighthouse is 15 m heigh, and the diameter at the basis is of 7 m, narrowing to 5 m to the upper side.
You also may see here an alarming point for typhoons. A small exhibition presents the devices used in different cases, to warn the population. The bell of the chapel had this role before.
Nice panoramas of the town can be admired from the top. There are also a lot of benches were you can stay and relax. Afterward, you descend to the Flora Garden, an European style garden. The place belonged to the mansion of a rich Portuguese before, and it was called Flora Pallace. You can use the cable car, working between 10-16, except on Monday, when it is closed. It costs 3 patacas and you reach the street level in 80 seconds.
The Flora Garden has a small aviary (mainly peackoks), a pond with waterlillies and a beautiful, red fountain.
If you are interested, the memorial house of Dr. Sun Yat Sen is very near. He is considered the father of the China Republic and, as a politician, played an important role in the abolishion of the Chinese dynasty.
Doamne, ce multe obiective ai reusit sa vezi ! Nu pot, sa nu remarc florile 🙂 Incerc sa imi inchipui, cum traiau portughezii ce locuiau in palat …
Planificarea si documentarea, Dani:) Multumesc! Sigur ca ti-au sarit in ochi florile, ca si mie de altfel:)
Wonderful series of photos.
Thank you, Randy!
Wonderful scenery from the hill!
Thanks, Kumiko!
Nice view from the hill! And the flower garden is beautiful.
I enjoyed URUSUS a few days ago,it was relly good!^ ^ I love it.
Please have a wonderful weekend,Traveling Hawk!
Thanks, Kumiko! I’m glad you enjoyed Ursus beer. In my town is produced TIMISOREANA. We like it better but we like more wine. Romania has very good wines, white and red, sweet or dry.
Simply amazing! You travel to the most fascinating places TH!
Well, you said it:)
What another great beautiful pictures Adriana 🙂
Especially the pictures of the chapel, the lighthouse and the flowers I find really beautiful! What a beautiful details. I think this is really great to see.
Sure it was, Helma! Thank you for your comment!
Foarte frumos farul si capela.Vgetatia, parul este superbb , imi plac pestii aceia si fantana activatoare de energie iar panorama de sus este sugestiva.
Foarte frumos locul, frumoase pozele tale !!
Multumesc, Cartim! Un loc care te incarca cu energie, intr-adevar.
Nice colours, architecture and framing. Always lots of interesting things in your posts.
Thank you, J_on_tour!