Spice Bazaar or Egyptian Bazaar was constructed at the beginning of the XVIIth century near the New Mosque. They used the money obtained from taxes for the merchandise brought from Egypt, hence the name of the bazaar. The income was … Continue reading
Category Archives: Turcia/Turkey
Topkapi Palace was built by Mehmet II as a personal residence, between 1459-1465. Over 4 censturies this was the site fron were the mighty sultans ruled the inperium. On 1853, Abdul Medjid moved to Dolmabahce Palace. This site became a … Continue reading
The Blue Mosque, the most famous in Istanbul, is unique in Turkey because it has 6 minarets. The construction begun on 1603 and ended on 1617. It is said that Sultan Ahmet Camii asked for gold minarets but the words … Continue reading
Sf. Sofia’s Church in Istanbul is 1400 years old. It was build on 360 at Constantin’s II order. By then, it was a basilica with a wooden roof, which was burnt during a riot in 404. Theodossius II ordered the … Continue reading
We took a round trip by bus to Turkey in the summer of 2007. Out itinerary was: Bucuresti-Edirne-Cannakale-Troia-Izmir-Marmaris-Pammukale-Istanbul- Bucuresti.It was my first encounter with Turkey and it was love at first sight. I was impressed by the landscape, coloures and … Continue reading
Daca dispui de 2-3 ore in Antalya si nu stii cum sa le umpli, mergi in Kaleici sau orasul vechi. Antalya asa cum o vedem azi, a inceput sa se dezvolte cam din anii ’70. Pana la al doilea razboi … Continue reading
La 15 km est de orasul Antalya se afla ruinele de la Perge, capitala Pamphyliei antice. Primele constructii de aici se datoreaza hititilor si au aparut in jurul anului 1500 i.e.n. Ca in toata zona Asiei Minor si pe aici … Continue reading
Inainte de a vizita Cappadocia, cu autocarul si cu piciorul, am urcat in vazduh, sa o vad de la inaltime! Citisem pe internet ca exista posibilitatea de a te plimba cu balonul dar aventura mi s-a parut mult prea scumpa … Continue reading
Zicala “Clientul nostru, stapanul nostru”, aducatoare de venituri, ar trebui sa se aplice, in opinia mea, daca managerii stiu intr-adevar comunicare de marketing, in mod egal si celor care cumpara si celor care nu cumpara. De ce? Foarte simplu. Cel … Continue reading
“Pari cum esti sau fii ceea ce pari” (Mevlana) Orasul Konya, prin care trecem in drum spre Cappadocia, a fost capitala statului Seljuk si era renumit pentru numarul mare de invatati si artisti care traiau aici. Facem o oprire, necesara, … Continue reading