Circuit in Turcia 5. Bazarul de mirodenii/egiptean din Istanbul / Roundtrip in Turkey 5. Spice/Egyptean Bazaar in Istanbul

Spice Bazaar or Egyptian Bazaar was constructed at the beginning of the XVIIth century near the New Mosque. They used the money obtained from taxes for the merchandise brought from Egypt, hence the name of the bazaar. The income was … Continue reading

Circuit in Turcia 2. Minunile Sfintei Sofia / Roundtrip in Turkey 2. The St. Sophia’s Wonders

Sf. Sofia’s Church in Istanbul is 1400 years old. It was build on 360 at Constantin’s II order. By then, it was a basilica with a wooden roof, which was burnt during a riot in 404. Theodossius II ordered the … Continue reading

Circuit in Turcia 1. Peisaj turcesc / Round trip in Turkey 1. Turkish Landscape

We took a round trip by bus to Turkey in the summer of 2007. Out itinerary was: Bucuresti-Edirne-Cannakale-Troia-Izmir-Marmaris-Pammukale-Istanbul- Bucuresti.It was my first encounter with Turkey and it was love at first sight. I was impressed by the landscape, coloures and … Continue reading

Konya, leaganul dervisilor rotitori

“Pari cum esti sau fii ceea ce pari” (Mevlana) Orasul Konya, prin care trecem in drum spre Cappadocia, a fost capitala statului Seljuk si era renumit pentru numarul mare de invatati si artisti care traiau aici. Facem o oprire, necesara, … Continue reading