Circuit in Turcia 2. Minunile Sfintei Sofia / Roundtrip in Turkey 2. The St. Sophia’s Wonders

Sf. Sofia’s Church in Istanbul is 1400 years old. It was build on 360 at Constantin’s II order. By then, it was a basilica with a wooden roof, which was burnt during a riot in 404. Theodossius II ordered the … Continue reading

Momente din Seul 31. Templul Jogyesa si Muzeul Budhist Central / Seoul Moments 31. Jogyesa Temple and the Central Buddhist Museum

I wanted to visit this temple because this is the leading temple of the Korean Buddhist temples of the Jogye Order. All the details and explanations are from their brochure. Buddhism was introduced in Korea from Japan, via China. The … Continue reading

Momente din Seul 12. Templul Bongeunsa / Seoul Moments 12. Bongeunsa Temple

Buddhism has been introduced in Korea in 372. Blended with Shamanist  (the initial religion of the nation) and Japanese Zen elements, it created the Korean Buddhism. The Bongeunsa Temple has been erected in 794 by monk Yeonhue Sunim, during the … Continue reading

Povestiri din Rajahstan 10. Templul jain Bhandeswari, Bikaner

De la cenotafuri ne-am intors spre Bikaner, oprindu-ne sa vizitam templul jainist Bhandeswari. Stiind ca in Rajahstan voi vizita mai multe asemenea temple, m-am documentat inainte de plecare si, bineinteles, am vrut sa stiu ce este jainismul despre care nu … Continue reading