The Thassos Island is almost round, having in its center the mountains which descend to the shores,
(Ipsario, the highest peak is 1204 m), where a lot of beaches attract the tourists during the summer. There are beaches with fine or more coarse sand, or beaches with cliffs, the favourite places for snorkeling around. The most beautiful beaches are on the Eastern and Southern part of the island.
We saw the most of them on 2010, when we have been there on June, the sea water being warm enough for swimming. Now, on May, it was cold, and we risked only in the last day. Besides, Thassos like Samothraki are the furthest North islands of Greece, and the water is always less warm than in the South.
I put some photos from 2010, to remember the beaches we visited then.
Now, we strolled on our little beach in Astris, then the Psili Amos beach, considered by many the most beautiful on the island, and a no name beach, right after Limenaria and before the Tripiti Beach.The last one I liked the most. It looked now so wild and unexplored. Of course that during the summer there are many people there, but now it belonged only to us (and our dog, Caro), and a distant fisherman.
Insula Thassos, de forma aproape rotunda, arata ca o cetate care are in mijloc munti si coboara treptat pana la plajele risipite cu darnicie pe marginile insulei. Exista plaje pentru toate gusturile: cu nisip mai fin sau mai grosier, sau stanci in preajma carora ii vezi pe amatorii de snorkeling. Cele mai frumoase sunt in estul si sudul insulei.
Pe cele mai multe le-am “incercat” la prima vizita in Thassos, in 2010, cand caldura din iunie permitea deja baia in mare. Acum, fiind abia mai, apa era prea rece pentru baie fiindca, oricum, Thassos e dintre cele mai nordice insule ale Greciei, alaturi de Samothraki. De aceea, ne-am plimbat doar pe plaje, riscand o baie abia in ultima zi.
Iata un remember al plajelor pe care ne-am lafait la soare in 2010, plecand din Limenas, in nordul insulei, pana dincolo de Limenaria, in ordinea acelor ceasornicului:
Golden Beach, 2010
Aghios Ioannis Beach, 2010 – small, secluded, wonderful
Kekes Beach, 2010 – good for snorkeling
The Field Beach, 2010 – under St. Michael Monastery
Aliki Beach, 2010 – with the old port from where the vessels carried the marble in all the antique world
Salonikios Beach, 2010 – back then, on 2010, it was “the best”
Tripiti Beach, 2010
Anul acesta am haladuit mai intai pe micuta noastra plaja de la Astris.
Astris Beach, 2012
Apoi, la 1 km de noi, frumoasa Psili Amos, pentru unii chiar cea mai frumoasa de pe insula.
Psili Amos Beach, 2012
In ultima zi, dupa cum am scris, am revazut Salonikios Beach, unde am stat pana dupa apus.
Salonikios Beach, 2012
Plaja care mi-a placut mie cel mai mult nu are nume sau cel putin eu nu il stiu si se afla imediat dupa ce iesi din Limenaria, inainte de Tripiti Beach. Placile de piatra care avanseaza in mare si vegetatia ii dau un aer deosebit. Nu stiu cum arata vara, cand sunt probabil mai multi turisti acolo, dar acum, cu un singur pescar in capatul ei, parea salbatica si neexplorata.
No name beach, 2012
Caro on the beach
The last photo with poppies is brilliant! This island seems to be a paradise:)
The last photo is one of my favourite too, Joo!
Nice looking beaches.
Yes, Randy. Pity that now I’m far away:)
What a beautiful beaches I see. Can imagine that tourists want to go to there. Blue water, white beach so what more could you want. Also nice views let you see. I also see octopus hanging (I like myself not like). Wonderful blog Traveling Hawk.
Kind regards, Helma
I’m glad you like it, Helma. Thanks!
That last photo with the poppies wins the day!
Thank you, VP:)
the beach looks very clean and inviting. a great place to spend the day.
Yes, so it is, Life Ramblings!
Wow, what a magnificent location, and your photography certainly brings it to life on the screen. I am amazed how tropical it all looks :^)
Greece is also literally a warm land, and Thassos is an island full of greenery. On some of the Greek islands There is a lack of vegetation, but I prefer the lush green ones.