Arigato, Japonia! 45. Hoo-do, Altarul Phoenixului din Uji / Arigato, Japan! 45. Byodo-in, Ujii

Byodo-in was founded by Yorimichi Fujiwara, in 1052, by transforming a rural villa of his father. On 1053 the Hoodo-in (Phoenix Pavilion) was added. During the Edo era the greatest part of the temple perished in flames, only the pavilion … Continue reading

Arigoto, Japonia! 43. Templul Daikaku in Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 43. Daikaku-ji in Arashiyama

Daikaku-ji was the last temple I visited in Arashiyama. This is a beautiful temple, which once has been an imperial residence. Emperor Saga, who loved the neighborhood built here his residence, and his daughter, Empress Seishi transformed it into a … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 42. Templul Adashino Nenbutsu, Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 42. Adashino Nenbutsu-ji in Arashiyama

One of the most interesting temple in Agashiyama was for me Adashino Nenbutsu-ji. You climb on a little street with traditional houses and many shops, selling souvenirs. One of them is the Dharma doll, inspired by the founder of the … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 41. Templul Nison-in din Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 41. Nison-in Temple in Arashiyama

Nison-in is more visited during late autumn, in momiji time, when the tens of shades of the leaves are a true show. It was founded in 841, and it is famous for the two Buddha’s figures: Shaka-Nyorai, who looks after … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 40. Templul Jojjako din Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 40. Jojjako-ji in Arashiyama

Jojakko-ji is a small temple of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism. The 16th. chief monk from the Honkoku-ji, decided to construct this temple in 1596, and live here in seclusion. After you climb a stair, you are at the Niomon, … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 39. Vila Okochi Sanso, Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 39. Okochi Sanso Villa in Arashiyama

Okochi Sansa Vila and its garden were constructed during a period of 30 years by Okochi Sansa, a very popular actor of the mute Japanese film. It is a wonderful place, where you may wander in a big garden, viewing … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 38. Padurea de bambus din Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 38. The Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

The rural zone of Arashiyama was developed by the powerful Hata family since the Heian era. The Emperor and the noblemen used to organize pleasure walks here, attracted by the beauty of the place. The Bamboo Grove begins behind Tenryu-ji … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 37. Sub-templul Kogen-ji, Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 37. Sub-temple Kogen-ji in Arashiyama

Before Tenryu-ji, I am attracted by a small temple. It is Kogen-ji, a sub-temple in the big Tenryu-ji complex. Entrance fee is 500 yen and I have the place all for myself. Kogen-ji has been constructed by Hosokawa Ukyou Daifu … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 36. Templul Tenryu in Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 36. Tenryu-ji in Arashiyama

In the middle of Arashiyama, Tehryu-ji is a temple with a UNESCO protected garden, much visited by the tourists who come here. This is the head temple of the Rinzai Budhist sect, a Zen temple. It was founded by the … Continue reading