Cavtat is situated 20 km south-east from Dubrovnik. You can reach the town by car or by air, using the Cilipi airport, located at 3 km from Cavtat. The most important objectives are: the old town, a baroque church and … Continue reading
Tag Archives: obiective oras
During my last visit to British Museum I saw part of the European collections. There are beautiful objects from different countries and historical periods, mainly from Middle Age but also some more modern. The Greek collection is huge and you … Continue reading
Today I show you pieces from the Asian collections. Be it China, Koreea, Japan or India, they are priceless. All beautiful but different, as they belong to different cultures. I am not an art expert. I only choose what I … Continue reading
During my last two trips to London, on September 2008 and May 2009, I visited parts of British Museum. This is the oldest public museum in the world. The first construction, owed to Sir Robert Smirke, goes back to 1823. … Continue reading
In iulie am facut o excursie la Novi Sad si vi-am povestit despre ea. Ramasesem datoare cu niste poze si o poveste despre fortareata.Inaltata deasupra Dunarii, fortareata Petrovaradin, asa cum o vedem astazi, a fost construita intre 1692-1780 de catre … Continue reading
Rotterdam is an energetic, full of life town, reborn like Phoenix from its own ashes. May be you know that it was bombed on May 1940 and almost completely destroyed. Very few buildings resisted. I worked a week in this … Continue reading
When I first arrived at Turku, 12 years ago, it was midnight and the snow was so big as in my childhood, in my own town. Turku is situated in the South-West of Finnland and it is the best winter … Continue reading
On February 1998, I spent one week in Turku, former capital of Finland. I will write about it in another post. Now I want to show you a little bit of Helsinki, as much as I managed to see during … Continue reading
Today I want to show you how nice is preparing Vienna for Christmas. I will not write about the Christmas fairs, not today. I will only emphasized on the street decorations and the way the shops are adorning their windows … Continue reading
I arrived in Granada during Corpus Christi Festival and so I had the chance to see all those beautiful and colourful dresses, to see the flower altars and the dances on the streets. I even have seen the toreadors coming … Continue reading