Si Satchanalai is located 550 km North of Bangkok. Together with the Historical Park Sukhotai, the Historical Park Si Satchanalai is part of the UNESCO treasury under the name of ‘Historic Town of Sukhothai and Associated Historic Towns’ The ancient … Continue reading
Tag Archives: ruine/sit arheologic
We left Chiang Mai by bus, at 6 o’clock in the morning, to go to Sukhotai. The length of the way was of about 250 km and it took 5 hours. There are 12 buses per day, and a ticket … Continue reading
I am very sorry that I kept you waiting, may be too much, for my next post about Albania. I was ill but now I’m back to continue. In fact, this is the last post about Albania. It is about … Continue reading
On our way to the South, we stopped 8 km west from Fier, to visit the biggest archaeological site from Albania, Apollonia. During the VI-th century BC, Greek refugees from Corfu and Corinth erected the settlement on the river Aous. … Continue reading
Approaching Shkoder, the ruins of the Rozafa Castle, on a 130 m height hill, attract you immediately. The castle is important for the Albanian history, as it was once the capital of the Illyric kingdom. This castle is connected with … Continue reading
Bar was founded by the slavs in the VIIth century, and dominated by Byzant till the half of the XVth century. The first written mention goes back to the XI century, when it was called Antibareos. In 1077 they had … Continue reading
M-am gandit ca poate aveti nevoie de o pauza la povestirile coreene si, pret de vreo doua postari, va voi arata unde am fost dumineca trecuta.Doream de mult sa vad cetatea de la Golubac, de pe malul Dunarii, pe partea … Continue reading
La 15 km est de orasul Antalya se afla ruinele de la Perge, capitala Pamphyliei antice. Primele constructii de aici se datoreaza hititilor si au aparut in jurul anului 1500 i.e.n. Ca in toata zona Asiei Minor si pe aici … Continue reading
Daca va decideti pentru o calatorie in Malta, trebuie sa stiti ca aceasta va fi, in primul rand, una culturala. Nu va asteptati la tone de nisip auriu si apa calda, buna de balacit pentru ca veti fi dezamagiti. Malta … Continue reading
Acum trei ani am facut ceea ce credeam ca nu voi face, adica o calatorie in circuit, cu autocarul, prin Turcia si cu sejur de o saptamana la Marmaris, cu plecarea din Bucuresti. Spun asta pentru ca mi-e cam peste … Continue reading