Momente din Seul 7. Sera victoriana de la Changgyeonggung/ Seoul Moments 7. Victorian Nursery at Changgyeonggung

One of the characteristics of the Korean landscape is putting the objective in the natural context and the the garden/park becomes pure nature. This may be observed also in the gardens of the Changgyeonggung. Right at the beginning, this place … Continue reading

Momente din Seul 6. Changgyeonggung – Primul palat / Seoul Moments 6. Changgyeonggung – The First Palace

Among the 6 royal palaces in Seoul I have visited four and Changgyeonggung was the first one, in my first day there. The palace was built by the great King Seojong for his father, King Taejong, in 1484. The termination … Continue reading

Momente din Seul 3. Transport urban. Metroul / Seoul Moments 3. Public Transportation. The Subway

As indicated by the title, this is a more informative post. Far less Romanians have traveled to South Korea than to Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Thailand or even Vietnam, Cambodgea or Indonesia. So I thought more details will help. Greater … Continue reading