Arigato, Japonia! 45. Hoo-do, Altarul Phoenixului din Uji / Arigato, Japan! 45. Byodo-in, Ujii

Byodo-in was founded by Yorimichi Fujiwara, in 1052, by transforming a rural villa of his father. On 1053 the Hoodo-in (Phoenix Pavilion) was added. During the Edo era the greatest part of the temple perished in flames, only the pavilion … Continue reading

Arigoto, Japonia! 43. Templul Daikaku in Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 43. Daikaku-ji in Arashiyama

Daikaku-ji was the last temple I visited in Arashiyama. This is a beautiful temple, which once has been an imperial residence. Emperor Saga, who loved the neighborhood built here his residence, and his daughter, Empress Seishi transformed it into a … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 42. Templul Adashino Nenbutsu, Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 42. Adashino Nenbutsu-ji in Arashiyama

One of the most interesting temple in Agashiyama was for me Adashino Nenbutsu-ji. You climb on a little street with traditional houses and many shops, selling souvenirs. One of them is the Dharma doll, inspired by the founder of the … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 41. Templul Nison-in din Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 41. Nison-in Temple in Arashiyama

Nison-in is more visited during late autumn, in momiji time, when the tens of shades of the leaves are a true show. It was founded in 841, and it is famous for the two Buddha’s figures: Shaka-Nyorai, who looks after … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 40. Templul Jojjako din Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 40. Jojjako-ji in Arashiyama

Jojakko-ji is a small temple of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism. The 16th. chief monk from the Honkoku-ji, decided to construct this temple in 1596, and live here in seclusion. After you climb a stair, you are at the Niomon, … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 37. Sub-templul Kogen-ji, Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 37. Sub-temple Kogen-ji in Arashiyama

Before Tenryu-ji, I am attracted by a small temple. It is Kogen-ji, a sub-temple in the big Tenryu-ji complex. Entrance fee is 500 yen and I have the place all for myself. Kogen-ji has been constructed by Hosokawa Ukyou Daifu … Continue reading

Arigato, Japonia! 36. Templul Tenryu in Arashiyama / Arigato, Japan! 36. Tenryu-ji in Arashiyama

In the middle of Arashiyama, Tehryu-ji is a temple with a UNESCO protected garden, much visited by the tourists who come here. This is the head temple of the Rinzai Budhist sect, a Zen temple. It was founded by the … Continue reading