Mugyo-dong, the 300 m long street between the Seoul Plaza and the Cheonggye Stream, is such a “global street”, where many open air performances are taking place. On 2009, one of the three circulation lanes was transformed in pedestrian area. Here, every week, from Tuesday to Thursday, half an hour of folk dances and songs, from different parts of the world, enchant the public.
As this is also an area with many foreigner tourists, the street was marked by small, black marble cubes, one for each of the 38 twin cities of Seoul. Also a mosaic on the asphalt confirms this link.
In that area there are also the premises of over 50 foreigner companies. Many eateries and cafes attract the tourists in this zone.
Inapoi in Coreea de Sud, din nou! Vreti sa stiti ce este aceea o “strada globala”? Este parte a unui proiect al municipalitatii Seulului, numit “Orasul fericit”, care se ocupa de nevoile cetatenilor non-coreeni ai orasului si de promovarea schimburilor culturale.
In Seul traiesc peste 255000 de straini, de predilectie in 15 zone ale orasului, numite “zone globale”. Acolo au fost construite deja 20 de centre de asistenta pentru familiile multiculturale, unde se pot primi diverse informatii despre oras, se gasesc oferte de joburi pentru membrul non-corean al familiei, etc. si toate acestea in 5 limbi: chineza, japoneza, vietnameza, coreeana si engleza.
Mugyo-dong, o strada scurta de doar 300 m, intre Seoul Plaza si Cheonggye, este o astfel de zona. Zilnic se desfasoara aici, timp de jumatate de ora (intre 12.20-12.50) spectacole de cantece si dansuri din diverse tari ale lumii, care atrag turistii din zona.
In 2009, una dintre cele trei benzi de circulatie a fost transformata in zona pietonala. Pe strada s-au am plasat mici blocuri din marmora neagra, avand inscriptionat numele unuia dintre cele 38 de orase infratite cu Seul, precum si data cand s-a intamplat acest lucru.
Pe trotuar, din loc in loc, un mozaic prezinta o imagine caracteristica acelui oras. Iata cateva dintre ele:
Very interesting post and beautiful images.Greetings Andrzej.
Thank you, Andrzej!
Terrific street! I love the idea:)
have a nice evening!
Yes, I also found this a nice idea, Joo! It could be applied in other place too, using creativity…
Love the mosaic tiles!
Great city and greater pictures!
They are also interesting, Randy, as they emphasize the characteristic of the city.
Thanks for the visit, Phivos!
An interesting global street, by the way I have a Cafe Mama just in front of my office!
Ca de obicei, un post foarte interesant! Multumim!
So, you are familiar with it, I presume, VP!
Multumesc, Claudia, pentru apreciere!
great timing. ive been inviting my friends to go to south korea. hopefully by next year.
this is a great preview.
I wish you an interesting experience, there, dong ho!
Beautiful place. Oh! There’s McDonald’s delivery there, and the very familiar colors of 7/11. Wow! They used each country’s icon for the country’s box. For Beijing, I noticed the bird’s nest. I wonder what they will incorporate for my country-maybe the banaue rice terraces.
We have a global city here also. Will try to roam around this area and photograph it. Glad to see places like this. I enjoyed looking at your photos, my friend. Happy weekend!
Thank you very much, Rizalenio, for the comment. I liked this little street, on which I passed from one objective to another. About both of them I will write in the next 2 posts.
I am waiting your photos from your global city:)
i love the pedestrian area and the mosaic pictures are truly amazing.
It’s an interesting place, Life Ramblings.
I have been impressed by the beauty of Korea!
Thank you very much for your interesting tour!
Many greetings
Extrem de interesant! Asta da oras deschis fata de cultura altor tari si fata de strainii care ajung sa le devina concetateni!
I like the detail on the monochrome mosaics from cities around the world. Very interesting post.
It’s a good idea, J_on_tour! I haven’t seen such a place till now.
Imi vine sa zic: cat de tareeeeee! Ma abtin, zic – foarte frumos!
Da, e tare, n-am mai vazut o chestie asemanatoare:)