Calator in Thailanda 7. Wat Phantao, templu Lanna / Traveller in Thailand 7. Lanna Wat Phantao

Wat Phantao is different in comparison with other temples in Chiang Mai because it is built from taek wood. It is one of the few in good condition and even if it is not an old one (1846), it is a good example of Lanna architecture. The name means “the monastery of 1000 kilns” because they were casting here Buddha figures for other temples too. The entrance is guarded by a pair of singha.

The roof is finished in barge motiffs of naga, three headed nagas. The viharn was the ho kham (throne hall) of the palace of King Chao Mahawong. Initially the building was a palace which was transformed in monastery afterwards. Above the entrance door of the viharn it can be seen a wonderful peacock above a coiled dog. The dog was the zodiacal animal of the king Mahawong. 

Beautiful Lanna style sculptures can be seen in the wall which encircles the temple. A beautiful whitewashed chedi with golden peaks completes the temple structure.

Wat Phantao se deosebeste de celelalte temple vizitate prin faptul ca este construit in intregime din lemn de tek. De fapt, este unul dintre putinele temple din lemn, pastrate. Templul nu este prea vechi (1846) dar este un bun exemplu de arhitectura Lanna. Numele sau inseamna “manastirea celor 1000 de cuptoare”, indicand ca aici se turnau statui ale lui Buddha si pentru celelate temple din zona. Intrarea in templu este pazita de singha.

intrarea in curtea templului

Spre deosebire de alte temple Lanna, unde acoperisul ajunge aproape pana jos, acesta este mult mai inalt. Terminatiile in forma de naga de pe acoperis se termina cu naga cu trei capete, iar pe coama acoperisului se vad innotand niste rate.

 Wat Phantao

Inainte de a deveni manastire, templul a fost curte regala, viharnul fiind chiar ho kham din palatul regelui, adica sala tronului.  Deasupra intrarii in viharn un paun splendid mestesugit sta deasupra unui caine incovrigat. Cainele era animalul zodiacal al regelui Chao Mahawong, pentru care s-a construit palatul devenit templu. El se regaseste si in filigranul de deasupra geamurilor.

 intrarea in viharn

In interiorul templului, o statuie aurita a lui Budha, in fata caruia se depun ofrande. Peretii sunt decorati cu paneluri cu sticla colorata. Pentru ca templul nu are ubosot, calugarii folosesc viharnul.

Sculpturi Lanna complicate sunt inserate in zidul care imprejmuieste templul.

 sculptura Lanna

Si aici, un loc aparte il are chedi-ul alb, cu varfuri aurite, aflat in renovare.

Ho tray, biblioteca de manuscrise, este construit din acelasi material rosu ca si sculpturile din zid. In curte, o mica statuie a lui Buddha se odihneste sub un copac plin de lampioane colorate. Sirul de clopote traditionale, se adaposteste sub umbrelute. Intr-un colt al curtii, langa viharn, vegheaza altarul pentru spiritele locului.

 ho tray

Foarte aproape de acest loc se afla si Centrul pentru arhitectura Lanna. Pentru ca era inchis, a trebuit sa ma multumesc cu o fotografie facuta prin poarta.

 Centrul pentru arhitectura Lanna


Calator in Thailanda 7. Wat Phantao, templu Lanna / Traveller in Thailand 7. Lanna Wat Phantao — 22 Comments

  1. Hoi Traveling Hawk,

    another great report, but what a strange name for a temple “monastery furnaces of 1000”! You have very beautiful the many details of this temple and outbuildings. Truly wonderful series.

    Greetings, Helma

  2. Both this and the previous temple are wonderful, Traveling Hawk. Great to see them through your lens (with a bonus of seeing you!)… I am falling behind on my blogging… but I want to thank you for the link to your Croatia photos, too… they are lovely. I am eager to return both to Thailand and Croatia!

  3. Wonderful photos!!!
    I like so much the architecture, the carved wood, all the wonderful details that make their culture differs!
    Thank you for so interesting tour and informations!
    Many kisses

  4. They’re really amazing photos.
    I’m interested in statues of Buddha.
    In Japan,there are similar statues of Buddha.

    Maybe we have same origins of religion.

  5. Kumiko, there will be more photos of Buddha’s images. As far as I know, Buddhism appeared in Northern India and it traveled then in Asia, influencing many countries religion. I know your two major religions are Buddhism and Shintoism.

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