Thassos revizitat 10. Sate de munte: Theologos

La Theologos, turistii merg sa manance carne de capra/miel la protap si sa cumpere miere.  Acesta este cel mai mare si mai important sat de pe insula, aflat la 220 m altitudine.Se ajunge in sat din Potos, de pe soseaua principala (10 km).
spre Theologos
satul ghemuit pe vale, la poalele dealurilor

Zona a fost locuita inca din era bizantina, iar in timpul ocupatiei turcesti (1455-1813), jumatate din sat era grecesc, jumatate turcesc. Podul de piatra – construit in sec. al XVIII-lea – care unea cele doua parti se poate vedea si azi si este unic in felul sau pe insula. El se afla in apropierea intrarii in sat.

 pod de piatra, sec. XVIII
 paraul formeaza niste chei inguste chiar sub pod

Am fost aici si in 2010, cand am mers direct in centru si nu am stat prea mult. Acum am apucat pe un drum care inconjoara satul pe deasupra sa, ca sa il putem admira de sus. La inceput, credeam ca ne va alunga ploaia, apoi a iesit soarele si ne-a facut ziua frumoasa. Aici sunt mai multe case vechi, acoperite cu placi de piatra. Materialul se ia chiar de pe dealurile din stanga noastra.


De altfel, aici, la marginea dealului e si o vegetatie tare fotogenica…

La plimbare prin sat am trecut pe langa o Manastire a Sf. Arhanghel Mihail si un Muzeu etnografic (inchis), un atelier de pielarie, unde se fac chiar sub ochii clientului, pantofi si sandale de tot felul. O pereche de sandale de piele se invarte in jur de 35 euro. Eram deja obisnuiti cu atmosfera acestor sate de munte. Dintre toate, Theologos este parca cel mai turistic. O multime de pravalioare vand miere si dulciuri facute cu miere, ulei de masline si tot felul de cosmetice pe baza de ulei de masline, lokum cu diverse arome. Aceste produse sunt exponentele ocupatiilor localnicilor.

 manastirea Sf. Arhanghel Mihail
 una dintre fantanile satului
 usa la Muzeul etnografic
 atelierul de pantofi
 un rodiu (pomegranate) inflorit

Ne-am abatut putin si pe la Biserica Sf. Dimitrios (construita in 1803), evident inchisa. Incercasem si in 2010 sa o vizitam dar tot fara succes.

 clopotnita Bisericii Sf. Dimitrios

In sat sunt si cafenele si taverne unde, in timp ce va odihniti, puteti gusta din bunatatile locale, preparate toate cu ingrediente proaspete, cultivate in sat.

Dupa ce mai vedem si batrana moara de ulei, ne oprim si noi la o taverna, pentru o binemeritata odihna si o bucurare a simturilor…

 moara veche de ulei
Thassos Revisited 10. Mountain Villages: Theologos
Tourists are going to Theologos to eat grilled goat or lamb, and to buy honey. This is the biggest village on the island (220 m high). The starting point is Potos, on the main road (10 km).The area has been inhabited since the Byzantine era. During the Turkish occupation (1455-1813) half of the village has been inhabited by Turks and half by Greeks. The two halves were united by a stone bridge (18 century), near the entrance in the village.We have been here on 2010 too but then we went directly to the centre and we didn’t stay long. Now we took another route, over the village, lingering on the way to take photos of nature or of the old house,s covered with stone slabs.There are some monasteries and churches in the village, a Museum of Folklore (which was closed), an old oil mill, taverns, shops selling souvenirs, olive oil and products with olive oil, honey. It is also a shop were a pair of shoes or sandals is made right under your eyes. A pair of real leather sandals is aprox. 35 euros.


Thassos revizitat 10. Sate de munte: Theologos — 16 Comments

  1. Wow, what a fascinating place! I love how ancient the land feels here, the abundance of stone, the old houses. I especially enjoy the details you find. That’s a fantastic old bridge too. Wonderful post TH!

  2. This is the first time i have come across stone tiles used like terracotta tiles( I mean they were laid like them) on the roofs of the pretty cottages/ houses. I too envy your travels, but in a positive way.

  3. A blog with lots of pictures and also nice pictures. I never knew that the village was inhabited by Greeks and Turks, and that the two halves were later joined by a stone bridge. I again learned a lot in this blog Traveling Hawk 🙂

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