I choose to visit this temple because it was constructed in 607 by Prince Shotoku, an interesting figure in the Japanese history. He helped spreading the Buddhist teachings in Japan by constructing 46 temples. A cult was born around him, considering him a reincarnation of a Bodhisattva of compassion.
The gate we entered the temple is Nandai-mon but this is only a reconstruction done in 1438. The original gate is Chu-mon, erected in 607. Here you may see the Nio: Ungyoh, The Lord of the Darkness and Agyoh, The Lord of the Light.
The purification fountain (Chozuya) propose us an Earth Dragon (he is evolving from the soil, his tail is still inside), important for water purification. The dragon resembles the Chinese ones. The Asuka style of the 6-7 centuries is, in fact, a mixture of Chinese and Korean elements.
Kondo (The Main Hall) and the five stories pagoda, Gojunoto are the first constructions we saw in the first courtyard. A nice, old lantern is to be seen here too, as at Todai-ji. The sorin on the peak of the pagoda is wonderful. During the second world war this pagoda has been disassembled in order to protect it against the air raids, and it was reconstructed using the same materials.
The walk on the temple’s grounds suggested simplicity and harmony with the nature, so characteristic to the Japanese aesthetics.
Horyu-ji sau Templul Legii Infloritoare este prima constructie din Japonia care a intrat sub patronaj UNESCO, in 1993. In acelasi timp, este cea mai veche constructie din lemn, din Japonia, din care s-au pastrat parti intacte pana in zilele noastre, iar Gojunoto este cea mai veche pagoda din lume (710). Am ales sa vizitez acest templu pentru ca el a fost construit in anul 607 de catre Printul Shotoku, un personaj interesant in istoria Japoniei. El a construit inca 46 de temple, facilitand astfel raspandirea Budhismului in tara sa. In jurul Printului Shotoku a luat nastere un adevarat cult, care vedea in el o reincarnare a lui Kannon, o zeitate a compasiunii. Datorita acestui cult, Horyu-ji a strabatut secolele pana la noi.
Pe drumul spre templu, trecem mai intai pe langa resedinte ale calugarilor.
Nandai-mon, prima poarta pe sub care trecem este o reconstructie din 1438, cea cu adevarat originala fiind Poarta Mijlocie, Chu-mon, ridicata in 607. Aceasta este o constructie caracteristica perioadei Asuka, secolele 7-8. Se sprijina pe 5 stalpi in loc de doi, ca la portile din perioadele urmatoare. Prin partea stanga circulau credinciosii, iar prin dreapta plecau cei morti spre paradis.
You seem to be visiting the same places as me in Nara. Top photos.
Ambii gardieni sunt urâți / înfricoșători cumva.
Altfel, mi-au plăcut uniformele de la școală, îmi pare rău că noi nu le mai avem …
Do I, Filip? That’s great! Thanks for the appreciation.
Asa si trebuie sa fie, Liliana, ca sa sperie spiritele rele si hotii si sa-i tina departe de templu!
So much art …
Thanks for the visit, Wong!
Ai vazut o multime de temple. Si numai privind la fotografiile tale se simte linistea …
there’s so much beauty in one place. Nara looks awesomely beautiful.
Asta a fost obiectivul meu principal in Kyoto si in jurul sau, Dani. Japonia (mai) moderna am cautat-o la Osaka.
It is beautiful, Life Ramblings, and also much smaller and more peaceful than Kyoto.
That is already an old temple as it was built in 607! Croeg I wonder why the Buddha (photo nr 7) looks so angry, I understand something or not?
Beautiful also that purification fountain. Very nicely depicted.
Greetings, Helma
Dear Helma, no. 7 and 8 are not Buddha’s images. They are Nio, the Celestial Guardians. One is the master of the darkness, the other the master of the light. He is red as he represents violence. They stay always at the entrance of a temple to guard it against evil and bed spirits.