You may visit the castle between 9-16, and the entrance fee is 600 yen.
Unfortunately part of the palace was under reconstruction and in the other part photos were prohibited in the interior. So, I may not show you the splendid paintings of the Kano school, or the marvelous painted ceilings. In the great hall it is presented a meeting between the shogun and the daymios (little local noblemen, vassals of the shogun). The shogun was seated on a higher platform, and the daymios could not see him, they only hear him. The personal guards of the shogun, appeared in case of danger, from the cupboards behind him.
The garden, projected by Kobori Enshu, is wonderful. A large pond, with three isles and four bridges of stone slabs, huge stones and splendid pine trees. Over the inner moat, I saw also the Seiryu-en garden, a modern one, constructed in 1965 in the reception area.
In Kyoto there is also the Old Imperial Palace and imperial villas but I had no time to visit them. As I already mentioned, there are so many marvels to be seen here, that I would love to live at least one year in Kyoto!
Mai toti cunoastem din filme silueta inconfundabila a castelelor japoneze. Ei bine, Nijo-jo sau Palatul Nijo seamana mai putin cu ele dar este un obiectiv care nu trebuie ratat in Kyoto. Daca il inconjuram inainte de a intra, ne vor impresiona zidurile puternice si poarta uriasa, tintuita cu metal.
Dupa cum ne spune pliantul luat la intrare, constructia castelului a fost inceput in 1603, ca resedinta oficiala a shogunului Ieyasu Tokugawa si s-a incheiat in 1626. El este considerat unul dintre cele mai frumoase exemple ale culturilor Edo si Momoyama. In 1867, in timpul celui de-al 13-lea shogun, castelul a devenit resedinta imperiala. El a fost donat orasului Kyoto in 1939 si a devenit parte a patrimoniului UNESCO IN 1994.
Palatul Ninomaru, care consta in 6 cladiri, si gradina cu acelasi nume se pot vizita intre orele 9-16. Intrarea costa 600 yen. Din pacate, una dintre cladirile principale era inchisa pentru renovare si nu am putut sa o vizitez. In cealalta, era interzisa fotografierea in interior si nu va pot arata nimic din splendidele picturi din sec. al XVII-lea, ale lui Kano, de pe pereti. Sala de audiente este prezentata cu manechine in marime naturala si costume specifice, simuland intalnirea dintre shogun si daymio locali (mici nobili, vasali). Shogunul statea pe o platforma ridicata, iar daymio la mare distanta, in locuri de unde nu-l puteau vedea, doar auzi. Garzile personale ale shogunului se aflau in spatele acestuia, ascunse in dulapuri.
Imi ramane de vazut gradina si exteriorul catorva cladiri, care nu se viziteaza.
Gradina a fost proiectata si executata de marele gradinar si maestru de ceai Kobori Enshu, la inceputul perioadei Edo. Ea are un iaz mare cu trei insule si patru poduri din lespezi d epiatra, precum si numeroase blocuri mari de piatra. Superbe exemplare de pin, cu ramuri contorsionate completeaza peisajul. In timp ce il priveam de undeva, din apropierea mea, s-a desprins un starc mare – pe care nu-l observasem – si cu un falfait puternic de aripi s-a pus la adapost, pe insula din fata mea. As fi putut sta sa admir aceasta gradina multa vreme…
Plec insa mai departe, trecand de santul de aparare interior, unde ma opresc cateva clipe pe pod, sa privesc pestii.
In drumul spre iesire trec pe langa alta gradina,Seiryu-en, construita in 1965 in zona de receptie, rezervata ceremoniilor. Este o gradina moderna, unde se gasesc si doua ceainarii.
In Kyoto se gaseste si Vechiul Palat Imperial si cateva vile imperiale, pe care insa nu le-am vizitat. Fiecare are si o gradina construita in diverse stiluri si, desigur, constituie obiective interesante. Dar, asa cum spuneam – mai in gluma, mai in serios – sunt atatea lucruri de vazut aici, incat mi-ar placea sa traiesc in Kyoto cel putin un an!
Beautiful landscape. I’m imagining myself sitting under those trees. Ah, what a wonderful feeling.
I think what I like best in your series on the Kyoto Nijo Castle is the details on the roofs! Fabulous.
Thanks, Rizalenio. I can use myself some shadow now:)
Your right, Francesca, and those of the famous Karamon gste have been covered, as the gate is in reconstruction…
Very interesting place and beautiful pictures!
Thanks for showing!
Have a nice week!
Yvonne & Raphael
Wow, impressive structures and gardens TH! I love how your photography brings the details to life… beautiful and fascinating!
Massive walls and plenty of grace inside…
Today my day was dedicated to your photos from Japan.
I saw all the posts. And I was fascinated!
It’s life journey!
It is so beautiful as your photos, like seeing cinema!
You’re fine with the kimono!
I thank you very much for the interesting tour!
Good trip to Thassos.
I do not have much time, because I have my children, my son and his wife, waiting for baby (Danai is in the fifth month) and the baby is a girl
Many kisses and happy summer!
Many thanks for your lovely words!
Thanks, Yvonaut, for coming again:)
Thanks, Doug! I have much more to learn…
Yes, VP, it’s a pity I cannot show you the insides…
Dear Magda, I am glad you showed such an interest in my posts about Japan. There are still more to come. It was an incredible journey!
As for Thassos, we are already back, after a very nice and relaxing week.
You are welcome, magda!
Such lovely gardens.
Yes, Randy, they are very nice kept, and walking there is very relaxing.
Foarte frumos castelul Shogunului cat despre gradina este superbe, o ambianta echilibrata si deosebita.
Castelul imi place foarte mult.E deosebit.
Nu stiam ca floarea regala este crinzantema..
Multumesc de vizita, cartim. Sper ca te simti mai bine!
Hello Traveling Hawk,
which is a nice blog with prachtgie photos. Especially the pictures of many waters and gardens, I find very beautiful. Too bad you have any photos in the palace was, and that was another part in reconstruction. Yet you have made another great blog
Warmest regards, Helma
Thank you, Helma. I’m glad you like my photos.
thanks for the virtual tour again. the garden is splendidly beautiful, so calm and peaceful.
Yes, it is a serene place. Thank you for the visit.
Imi plac foarte mult castelele
Deocamdata n-am iesit din Europa, iar acesta mi se pare foarte interesant (si foarte diferit in acelasi timp).
Imi pare bine ca am putut sa va arat ceva nou pentru voi. Va doresc sa faceti cat mai multe calatorii interesante!
I loved the last picture, it is so serene and beautiful.
Yes, rama. It is part of a beautiful Japanese garden.
Mi-am amintit de mirosul de crizanteme si de faptul ca aceasta floare e puternic conectata cu Japonia. Am scris mai pe larg despre crizanteme aici.
Da, am vazut postarea ta Liliana. Crizantema e una din florile mele preferate, desi la noi multi le considera “flori de mort”! Exista atatea variettati, forme si culori!