Desigur, în Wroclaw sunt mult mai multe clădiri Art Nouveau decât am reuşit eu să văd, axându-mă în principal pe zona Oraşului Vechi (Staro Meste). Ele au fost ridicate în perioada în care oraşul aparţinea Germaniei şi sunt, mai ales, clădiri publice.
Vă las să vă plimbaţi virtual printre ele şi să le admiraţi detaliile.
1900, arh. George Harter
Art Nouveau in Wroclaw
Art Nouveau style in construction appeared when Wroclaw belonged to Germany. This was the end of 18th. century and beginning of 19th. century. The most of the buildings were official ones, like banks or department stores. Some of them are in pretty good shape, others have been modified and only parts of original stayed. I only saw those from the Old Town but there are others too. Enjoy the photos of this bunch of buildings!
Beautiful series of buildings. I love art nouveau.
Me too! I’m looking for it everywhere I go!
Elaborate, eye-catching design.Happy to see these architectures.
Thank you, Kumiko! I reckon you already know how much I love this architectural style 🙂