A tourist in Bukowina should include a day trip to Cacica, an old miner location. The salt deposits in that part, determined Empress Maria Theresa to ask for an exploitation there (that county was part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire those days). The mine was opened in 1791, and part of it may be visited even now. The workers were brought mainly from Bochnia, Wieliczka si Kalusz, therefore the Polish name of this little town. They named the location Kaczyka, meaning “duck”, because many wild ducks were here, on the lakes.
Today tourist may visit the 3 churches: roman-catholic, greek-catholic and orthodox, the mine, the salt water little strand, and observe the nice local architecture.
The catholic church in Cacica was erected by the Polish workers. Today they are still grouped in 170 families, with 415 believers. Even if the initiative appeared on 1892, because of lack of money and the complicated bureaucracy, the church was erected only between 1903-1904. On 1997 the title of “national sanctuary” was granted, and, on 2000, Pope Ioan Paul the II-nd granted the title of “basilica minor”, when he visited the church on August,15.
A copy of the Black Madonna in Czestochowa was brought here since 1809. This is to be seen now in the main altar. The stained glass, the sculptured, colored and gilded linden wood, the chandelier or the organ, adorn this simple church. Enjoy!
Maine este 15 august, ziua Sfintei Maria, sarbatoare importanta in calendarul crestinatatii. De aceea intrerup din nou relatarea despre Coreea, pentru a va prezenta cel mai important loc de pelerinaj catolic din Moldova.
Drumetia unui turist pe plaiuri bucovinene ar trebui sa cuprinda si locuri despre care se vorbeste mai putin si care au cazut astfel in uitare. Campania desfasurata zilele astea de televiziunea romana, care beneficiaza de prezenta iubitei si carismaticei cantarete de muzica populara bucovineana Sofia Vicoveanca, mi-a readus si mie in minte un loc pe care l-am vizitat acum 2 ani.
Cacica este un orasel-statiune din Bucovina, situat la 18 km de Gura Humorului, intr-un peisaj frumos, aflat la limita dintre munti si dealuri.
Deoarece in zona au fost descoperite insemnate zacaminte de sare, imparateasa Maria Theresa a cerut deschiderea unei exploatari in acest loc, Bucovina apartinand atunci Imperiului Austro-ungar. Ca urmare, o serie de lucratori din Polonia si Ucraina s-au stabilit aici, punandu-si amprenta culturala asupra locului. Mina a fost deschisa in 1791. Numele localitatii provine de la polonezul “kaczika”, adica “rata”, deoarece pe lacurile din imprejurimi pluteau o multime de rate salbatice.
Turistul poate vizita aici Mina de sare, strandul cu apa sarata, precum si bisericile din sat. O relatare interesanta, insotita de poze pe masura, gasiti aici http://www.romaniaphotos.ro/2011/01/salt-mine-from-cacica.html Eu nu am vizitat mina datorita coborasului abrupt, la adancime, pe care nu-l puteam face din motive medicale. Strandul nu e mare dar nici aglomerat, asa ca se poate face macar o baie buna!
Some lovely landscapes and beautiful churches. Seems like a very pleasant place to be!
Duncan In Kuantan
frumoasa prezentare
Really an Amazing church, and it is in a remote location !
Bucowina is an idylic landscape in my country and a county full of historical memories. It is also the place were the famous outside painted churches are.
Thank you for the comment, Duncan!
multumesc, smalldot!
Thank you, Wong, for the kind words!
Very interesting. Another reason to visit your country again, since I missed this place!
Have a great Sunday:)
:), Joo!
Thanks for sharing this nice work.
greetings, Joop
Simply beautifully captured shots…lovely!
… ce diferenţă faţă de salina de lângă Cracovia…
de ce oare să fii catolic în Moldova e firesc, e european…?
Thank you for the appreciation, Joop!
Kalyan, welcome to my blog! Thanks for the kind words.
Din pacate n-am fost in Polonia dar o colega de-a mea a fost si imi amintesc cu cat entuziasm vorbea despre Wieliczka.
I love the design of the Orthodox church in your photos, as well as the details of the beautiful interior of the Catholic catheddral. Such a lovley town to visit and enjoy the history and charm.
Thanks, Doug, for your appreciation.
Interesting trip, beautiful images…
Thanks, VP!
Frumoase locuri! Multumesc pt informatii si la multi ani, tuturor celor care se sarbatoresc in aceasta zi!
The are is lovely and the interior of the church is wonderful. I hope your enjoying your weekend.
Multumesc pentru vizita, teodora!
Thanks, Randy! It was a quietly one:)