The Sukhotai Historical Park, along with the Si Satchanalai Historical Park and Kamphaeng Phet are the reference places for the early Thai style. They all are part of UNESCO treasury.
Between 1238-1438 Sukhotai has been the first capital of the Siam. King Ramkhamhaeng (1275-1317) extended the territory almost to the today borders. He also invented the first elements of the Thai alphabet, encouraged trade, has not put taxes on the population, and encouraged religious equality between sexes. You will see his statue in the historical park.
The main wats we saw here were: Wat Mahathat, Wat Si Sawai, WatSa Si and Wat Tra Phang Ngoen. Beautiful Buddhas statues, Khmer architecture elements, nice chedis. Manicured lawns, palm trees, lotus flowers in the ponds and water reservoires. The park needs more time to enjoy, you may have even a picnic there. But our time is limited. So, we will see some more temples tommorrow morning, and afterward we will go to Si Satchanalai.
Parcul Istoric Sukhotai ocupa o suprafata de cca. 70 kilometri patrati, pe care se pot vedea si admira ruine ale palatelor, portilor, santuri de aparare, bazine de apa, ruine ale templelor, reprezentand capodopere ale stil timpuriu de arta Thai. El se imparte in 5 zone, dintre care zona centrala este cea mai bogata in monumente si cea mai vizitata. Ea a fost si cel mai bine restaurata (incepand cu 1960), este bine intretinuta si foarte curata. Impreuna cu Si Satchanalai si Kamphaeng Phet, aceste trei locuri sunt puncte de referinta pentru acest stil si au fost inscrise in patrimoniul UNESCO in 1991.
Intrarea in parc costa 100 bht/persoana (2.45 euro). Vizita se poate face pe jos – daca ai timp suficient la dispozitie -, cu o bicicleta inchiriata sau cu tuk-tuk -ul, daca sunteti un grup de 3-4 persoane. Acesta va duce pe la toate obiectivele importante, timp de doua ore – doua ore si jumatate si va readuce la poarta de intrare in parc, contra sumei negociate de 300 bht (7.30 euro)
Regatul Sukhotai a inflorit intre secolele 14-16, fiind incadrat de Regatul Pagan la vest si Regatul Khmer la est. Aparut cu cca. 800 de ani in urma, a fost primul Regat al Siamului. Intre 1238-1438, Sukhotai a fost capitala sa. Regele Ramkhamhaeng (1275-1317) a extins teritoriul sau aproape pana la cel de astazi. El este cel care a incurajat comertul,nu a cerut taxe supusilor sai, a sustinut bunele relatii cu China dinastiei Yuan (si chiar a calatorit acolo, de doua ori, se spune), a creat elementele care stau la baza alfabetului Thai. Prin atitudinea sa deschisa fata de budhism, a incurajat exprimarea sentimentului religios si a spiritualitatii, prin arhitectura si sculptura religioasa. Crearea unor sculpturi reprezentandu-l pe Buddha mergand si avand o infatisare mai feminina a dus la aparitia unor sculpturi pline de gratie. Acest mod de tratare a incurajat religia pentru ambele sexe, indicand egalitatea credintei, element nou pentru vremea aceea. Prosperitatea acestui regat constituie si astazi un motiv de mandrie pentru thailandezi.
Wat Si Sawai, aflat la 350 m sud de Wat Mahthat, a fost in secolul al 12-lea un sanctuar brahman, transformat apoi in templu buddhist cu o arhitectura khmera tipica, apartinand stilului Lop Buri. Acest lucru este indicat de cele trei turnuri inguste, delimitate de un zid, decorate cu stucatura cu fragmente de imagini brahmane, lingam (sculptura falica care il reprezinta pe Vishnu) si regele Vishnu sezand pe un tron format din naga. Stucatura aminteste, prin modelele sale si de designul chinez din timpul dinastiei Yuan.
Templul antic, fara zid inconjurator, Wat Tra Phang Ngoen are o parte din constructii pe o insula, in mijlocul unui rezervor de apa.
Tot pe o insula se afla si parte din complexul Wat Sa Si. Un chedi frumos in forma de clopot si statuia gratioasa a unui Buddha care merge sunt caracteristice ale acestui templu. Un chiosc ofera loc de popas pe malul lacului.
Thanks for all these lovely images……. it’s always pleasant to visit your blog.
warm greetings, Joop
Enjoyed the photos…especially the tree with exposed roots, I take it this is a special tree since there are artifacts left there in the roots!
Thanks, Joop, for the visit! Have a nice day!
Theanne, thank you for the comment. I do not know for sure, no explanation there. But I take it they have a great respect for some trees, which could be seen transformed in a kind of shrine.
Park-Museum my beloved friend!!!
Law is under the protection of UNESCO!
I thank you, was very interesting tour!!!
Have a nice day
Thank you, Magda, for your visit here!
Wow, this is so beautiful and historic. I would love to visit such a place. I especially like the monumental Buddha. Another enlightening presentation TH :^)
Yeah, that’s the reason I went to Thailand, Doug! I haven’t been to the seaside, on a beach. My aim was a historical and cultural one. Thanks for the comment!
I’ve WOWed many times seeing all these photos. Amazing creations. I love the photo with Buddha’s hand a lot. Happy weekend! 🙂
Thank you very much, Rizalenio! Happy weekend to you too!
A durat ceva sa ajung la nr 18, dar a meritat. O calatorie fascinanta, cu o multime de informatii! Foarte mult m-au impresionat cei 12 uriasi. Fotografiile vorbesc de la sine.
The monuments and their art and architecture design are stunning!!!
Multumesc tare mult, teodora 13, pentru vizita si comentariu! Iti doresc un weekend frumos!
Yes, Phivos, it is an amazing place! Thanks for the comment!
next to buddha’s and temples… i love the thai characters. i want my named written in those characters.
yes, the characters are like a lace…you are right, dong ho!
So heeeee …… really a blog for quite jealous of Traveling Hawk. If I see your pictures from this trip and I am already quite slightly jealous.
Beautiful temples and also the experience and see geschiedienis of yesteryear seemed also quite an experience. Thank you for sharing.
Greetings, Helma
this is awesome. it must have been a great experience to see all these wonderful creations up close.
You are welcome, Helma! Thanks for the comment.
You are right, Life Ramblings, it was!