On our way to Bangkok, the Boeing 767 we flew from Kiev was full. A lot of Ukrainians were going to holiday in Thailand. Few westerners and even less Thai people were in the plain. What a difference toward our flight to Delhi, in 2010, when the departure terminal in Istanbul was full of Indians, working in Europe and taking advantage on the Christmas holiday to visit their homes!
Our places have been in the middle of the plane, so I couldn’t take photos. We arrived at Suvarnabumi airport at 4.30 in the morning. We changed money firstly in order to pay our on arrival visas. Then, we took our luggage and went to the domestic flights area, as we flew further, to Chiang Mai. A lot of people were there and due to the formalities it was just possible to skip the flight. So, if you have an internal flight, be there more in advance!
We flew Air Asia to Chiang Mai, one and a half hour. The town from Northern Thailand welcomed us with sun and warm weather, so we felt the “summer” has begun for us. After the days we spent there, we moved forward to Sukhotai, by bus.
The two days spent in Sukhotai and Si Sanchanalai went by rapidly and we flew again to Bangkok. This time it was a private company, Bangkok Airways, which is in business since 1968. They built their own airport in Sukhotai from where they operate two flights daily to Bangkok and Chiang Mai. The airport is awesome, I may say. It looks more as a resort than as an airport. The waiting room is open, furniture is Thai, lotus ponds and even a small chedi create a nice atmosphere. The plain is colorful, a real vacation plane!
On our return flight from Bangkok the plane was not so full but the long flight (11 hours) was tiresome. Then, from Kiev again, there have been only one and a half hours to Budapest. On the airport I spent my time looking at the people. From Budapest we still had almost 5 hours driving to Timisoara, my home town. The sunset was beautiful as to say us that our journey came to an end.
Asa cum am scris in postarea anterioara, am calatorit spre Thailanda cu AEROSVIT. Este prima data cand folosesc aceasta companie. Nu ma plang prea mult de serviciile la bord, fiindca toti fac acum economii, unii mai mult decat altii. Intr-o revista aflata la bord am citit chiar ca AEROSVIT se pregateste ca, din acest an, sa renunte la orice masa oferita pe zborurile interne… Se simte deja si la cele externe…De fapt nu am termen de comparatie fiindca n-am mai calatorit cu ei, dar sa oferi numai peste, fara optiune, cand nu toata lumea mananca peste, nu mi se pare normal…Ceea ce lasa de dorit este comportamentul stewardeselor care se adreseaza rastit calatorilor si au niste mutre cam acre, exceptand momentele cand vorbesc intre ele in timp ce ii servesc pe pasageri. Stewarzii (si au multi) sunt mai atenti si mai simpatici.
La dus, in Boeingul 767 care a plecat din Kiev spre Bangkok, nu era loc sa arunci un ac! Era plin ochi de turisti ucrainieni, care plecau la plaja. Mai erau si ceva occidentali, dar putini, iar pe thailandezi i-am numarat pe degetele de la maini. Ma gandesc ca anul trecut, cand am zburat de la Istanbul la Delhi, calatorii erau predominant indieni care mergeau acasa, fiind vacanta Europa in care munceau…Am avut locuri in mijloc, asa ca nu am putut face fotografii din avion.
Am ajuns pe aeroportul Suvarnabumi dimineata, la 4.30. Un aeroport imens, cum ne-au obisnuit deja orasele asiatice vizitate (Beijing, Delhi, Seoul), foarte curat, cu multe flori si foarte bine organizat.
Am mers mai intai sa schimbam bani pentru a putea sa ne platim viza. Cursul de schimb era de 28.95-31.39 baht pentru un dolar si 38.99 baht pentru un euro. La “Visa on Arrival” (viza la sosire) am platit cate 1000 baht pentru o persoana, plus 200 baht “taxa de urgenta”. N-am prea inteles de ce trebuia platita asta, fiindca oricum ti-o dadea pe loc, nu te tinea trei zile pe aeroport si mai ales de ce nu se dadea nici o chitanta pentru aceasta suma?! Ne-am ridicat apoi bagajele si ne-am indreptat spre partea de zboruri interne a aeroportului, intrucat urma sa plecam peste cateva ore la Chiang Mai.
Desi era inca noapte, aeroportul era plin de lume si cu tot check in-ul electronic pe care l-am facut, tot a trebuit sa stam la un rand kilometric ca sa predam bagajul Daca nu esti atent la factorul “aglomeratie”, risti sa pierzi avionul! Bine ca atunci cand se apropie ora plecarii unui avion, niste tinere se plimba cu pancarte printre pasageri pentru a-i scoate din rand pe cei care au bilete la zborul iminent si a-i duce in fata, pentru a urgenta formalitatile.
Spre Chiang Mai am zburat cu Air Asia, cam o ora si jumatate.
Traveling Hello Hawk,
again a very nice trip report with a variety of pictures. Too bad on your outbound flight in the middle of the plane, so you could make when no pictures, but the other pictures of your trip back a lot of good.
Shadow picture of the plane I also worked bijnder potatoes.
Greetings, Helma
Thank you, Helma, for your kind words.
The photo with the shadow of your plane is my favorite. I tried that shot many times but unsuccessful. Very lively photos esp those with people from different nations.
I observe in the last moment the opportunity to take that photo, Rizalenio!
Yes, it was great to observe all those people. Thank you for your comments, my friend.
Vad ca cei de la Bangkok Airways au un obicei din a construi aeroporturi dragute. Eu am fost tare impresionata de cel din Koh Samui care numai a aerogara nu arata.
Very interesting and beautiful photos! And always have a good REPORTAGE!
I’ve been in Thailand – Sigkampour and I really liked!
many greetings
daca poti, scrie si preturi diverse, te rog.
Nu stiam ca au si acolo, Claudia. Oricum, m-am simtit foarte bine acea ora cat am avut de asteptat acolo. Fiind singurii care opereaza, nici nu te cheama cu atata timp inainte.
200 THB a fost spaga pentru ei. Nu exista nici o taxa de urgenta la viza. Am trecut de 2 ori luna trecuta prin procedura respectiva si a fost 1000 THB. Functionarii se miscau de parca lucrau la stat in Romania dar nu au cerut bani.
Thank you, Magda. Your appreciation is kind like always.
da… fascinantă risipa asta de tehnologie şi imaginaţie din aeroporturi
ador şi plictiseala, pierderea de vreme pe care ai surprins-o şi tu foarte fain… pentru unii, pentru tot mai mulţi, zborul a devenit ceva aproape banal…
an nou fericit, şoimule!
I always like pictures of airplanes with so many different liveries. You portraits are also very interesting!
Voi scrie, Liliana:)
Unknown, imi pare rau ca nu se putea fotografia in zona dar ei nu au cerut, ci era afis pus pe geamul de la ghiseu si toata lumea, absolut toata lumea a platit! Au mai fost unii care au cerut explicatii de ce nu este trecuta suma respectiva pe chitanta, fiindca acolo scria doar pretul vizei – 1000 BHT – dar nu au rezolvat nimic. Sigur ca ei lucrau in acelasi ritm, oricum si erau vreo 5-6 insi acolo. Poate profitau de faptul ca era noapte si nu ii controla nimeni, nu stiu.
de plictisit, ma plictiseam si eu, Victor:) dar altfel nu se poate…multumesc pentru urare, la fel si tie!
Thank you, VP! I hope you will like all the travel:)
frumoase foto…
Looks like you have had a nice trip til Thailand. Nice pictures from the airport. Wish you a happy new year:-)
multumesc! bine ai venit aici, rory!
It was very nice and interesting, Per Ove!
Love your photos today! Especially the ones taken from the plane!
As for Ukrainian lines, well, I haven’t traveled with them, but friends of mine had ‘pleasure’ to fly from Kiev to Bangkok two years ago and claim that it was an experience. Not only staff was a bit bossy and lazy but also on their part of the plain the lights and air condition didn’t work! And they didn’t even want to mention food:)
Can’t wait to see more from Thailand!
So I’m not the only one saying this…I don’t think I will travel with them again but who knows, with this crisis…
Your photographs made me long for a little bit of travel.
I believe it, Randy!
Many nice photo’s….. the info makes it all compleet…..thanks.
Greetings, Joop
You’re welcome, Joop! Thanks for the comment!
Really a lot to read.. interesting!
I like flying air asia! they are cheap and fly everywhere!
I hope you had good food i thailand! I remember the food in chiang mai to be very good!
Great post!
Greetings from Switzerland
Yvonne & Raphael
Thank you, Yvonaut! I’m glad to have you here again.
Happy New Year!
Ar fi grozav daca si cei de la Turkish Airlines ar avea acelasi sistem al pancartelor, poate asa s-ar pierde mai putine avioane in totala dezorganizare de acolo.
In alta oidne de idei, trecerea de la postul anterior (pozele iernatice din Kiev) la acesta (flori, caldura, culoare) m-a dus cu gandul la “Vrajitorul din Oz”, ecranizarea cu Judy Garland in rolul principal, in care personajul paseste dintr-un film alb-negru anost, intr-unul plin de culoare. Frumos!
Ma bucur ca iti place, Rox. Sper ca vei urmari toata seria si vei vedea si alte lucruri care sa-ti placa.
Am zburat cu Turkish doar o data, in India, dar nu am avut probleme mari. In consecinta, si primul meu zbor de anul acesta (deocamdata nu spun unde:)va fi tot cu ei. Am citit insa si pareri mai putin bune despre ei…
Wow,great photos!
I love the photos from the airplane,
and photos of Thailand are beautiful!I want to go there someday.
Bossy stewardeses of AEROSVIT? I couldn’t help laughing when I heard it.
And I uploaded a tram map in Kyoto City on my Arashiyama blog.It will help you,so please check it when you have time.
Thank you for sharing great pics^^
Thank you, Kumiko!
Am zburat de doua ori cu Turkish Airlines, primul zbor cu ei a fost de fapt si primul meu zbor, anume inspre Beijing cu escala in Istanbul. Desi nu aveam termen de comparatie, totul mi s-a parut desavarsit, de la conditii si servicii si pana la sentimentul de siguranta ca oamenii stiu ce fac.
A doua oara a fost acum cateva luni, in Istanbul, insa sistemul de check-in mi s-a parut o nebunie totala, care, alaturata starii mele generale de ameteala cand vine vorba de gasit drumul inspre mijloace de transport in comun a rezultat aproape in pierderea avionului, ceea ce ar fi fost a doua experienta de gen din acelasi an…
De abia astept sa aflu unde plecati! 🙂
Check-in electronic probabil, fiindca tot mai multe aeroporturi il adopta. Exact asa a fost la BKK, cand am zburat la Chiang Mai. Am facut check-in electronic in cateva minute, apoi am stat la o coada enorma, sa predam bagajul…
such a lovely airport. the views from the airplane are gorgeous. thanks for sharing your wonderful journey.
you are welcome, Life Ramblings! I’m glad you enjoy.
Glad you step into Thailand !
Me too, Wong:)