There are also other nice Buddha’s images in the lovely park. This is encircled by a moat with water, where I couldn’t have enough of the wonderful lotus flowers!
Urmatoarea oprire, in nord-vestul orasului, a fost la Wat Si Chum, unde se afla o interesanta statuie a lui Buddha asezat, care priveste printr-o crapatura de zid. Pe drum, trecem pe langa vecinii nostri, biciclisti.
Templul se afla intr-un parc frumos, bine ingrijit, inconjurat de un sant cu apa.
Aspectul neobisnuit al acestui wat devine evident inca de la intrare.
Buddha are 15 m inaltime si 11.5 m latime, de la un genunchi la altul si ocupa intreaga cladire in care se afla. Statuia a fost renovata in anii 1953-1956. Este cunoscuta si sub numele de “Budha vorbitor”, datorita unei legende. Se spune ca regele Ramkhamhaeng si-a adunat trupele in fata ei, pentru a le incuraja inaintea unei lupte. In acest scop s-a servit de o scara ascunsa, care i-a permis accesul in statuie, de unde a vorbit soldatilor, facand sa para ca vorbeste statuia.
Mudra (gestul mainilor) este una de supunere a Marei. Mara, personaj mitologic, vroia sa il ademeneasca pe Buddha prin intermediul diversilor demoni dar Buddha a atins Zeita Pamant si aceasta i-a innecat pe toti.
Alaturi, alte imagini ale lui Buddha, nu mai putin frumoase.
Ne indreptam spre iesirea din parc, vazandu-l, de la distanta, pe omul “nostru” intorcand tuk-tukul, pentru plecare. Florile de lotus ne zambesc din nou, asa ca nu ma pot abtine sa mai fac cateva fotografii.
Lotusii sunt superbi!
beautiful water lilies!
Strange faces, beautiful flowers…
Le-am facut o multime de poze, Apollo:)
I have seen a lot of them in Sukhotai, Theanne!
Especially the Talking Buddha’s expression is strange, VP!
I love the flowers and I love the Buddha’s statues!
Thanks, Joo!
I wanna bike there too. A great place with so many interesting stories. Wonderful photos as always, my dear friend. 🙂
Thank you so much, Rizalenio!
I love the Buddhas and the lotus flowers.
Thanks, Randy! Have a great weekend!
You have made a very nice trip, your pictures are as usual very good….Thanks !
greetings, Joop
The trip wa wonderful, Joop! Thank you. Have a great weekend!
Wow, what an amazing group of ancient ruins, located in such a beautiful setting. Wonderful presentation as always TH :^)
This is a strange and amazing place, I agree, Doug!
That big Buddha statue is impressive,
And the flowers are beautiful!
Thank you for the visit, Kumiko!
Huge statue, very impressive!
I was impressed by the root system of the tree!
Many thanks for the nice walk!
many greetings
The whole place was nice, Magda! It is a huge park, with all kind of trees I haven’t seen before.