I want to show you the rural Thailand here, as we have seen it from the songthaew. A lot of old and new houses, banana and cocos trees, flowers, rice fields. Gardens and fields worked by people. A lot of green. I liked it a lot!
La cca. 60 km de Sukhotai, pe valea raului Yom, se afla Si Satchanalai. Acesta este locul spre care ne-am indreptat dupa micul dejun copios de la pensiune. Initial, am mers in orasul nou Sukhotai pentru a lua autobuzul. Desi ne-ar fi costat mai ieftin, trebuia sa mai asteptam 45 minute pana la plecare si apoi, sa ne informam si sa fim foarte atenti cand va veni ultimul autobuz la poarta Parcului istoric (in jur de ora 17). Daca l-am fi pierdut, ar fi trebuit sa ramanem acolo. Pentru a nu ne stresa inutil, am negociat cu un songthaew de la autogara care, cu suma de 700 bht (17 euro), ne-a dus si ne-a adus inapoi, plimbandu-ne si prin parcul istoric si la alte obiective.
Ceea ce vreau sa va arat in postarea aceasta este peisajul thailandez rural, cu bananieri si cocotieri si cu diverse tipuri de case din lemn, cocotate pe stalpi. Unele sunt mai vechi, altele mai noi. Pe langa ele, flori. Orezarii. Gradini si campuri lucrate de oameni. Nu e circulatie prea mare pe soseaua bine intretinuta. Peisajul e mereu verde. Mi-a placut in mod deosebit o planta, careia i-am spus “colilie” desi probabil e altceva, care apare des pe marginea drumului si nu numai. Panasele ei albe se unduiesc in vant si creeaza un efect frumos. Cine e amator de seriale coreene, o va recunoaste. Dar mai bine va uitati la fotografii si trageti singuri concluziile.
Si Satchanalai e foarte mic. Un targ era in desfasurare pe marginea drumului. Dupa ce am trecut un pod, am ajuns la poarta Parcului Istoric, despre care va povestesc in postarea urmatoare.
Very nice scenery and I love the greenery there! Fantastic trip!
Thanks, Joo!
I had no idea what this countryside was like, a great insight into it. Sorry I’ve missed so many of your posts, I’ve a lot to deal with at the moment. I’ll catch up with these before I post again. Looking
Thanks, J_on_tour! It’s great you visit here again! I know about your problems, I visited your posts, and I hope you will solve them soon.
Love the palm trees.
such a lovely and peaceful countryside. thanks for the free tour.
Thanks, Randy, for your presence here.
You are welcome, Life Ramblings!
Am un prieten care a plecat in Thailanda sambata si se intoarce vineri.Dupa ce am citit aproape toate descrierile tale cred ca voi putea purta linistit,fara probleme, o discutie despre aceasta tara.
Multumesc pentru apreciere, mircea!
What do you see a lot on your travels and I’m quite occasionally a little envious …. hihi Well nice to be able to see all this in your blog as snuff because I still a bit of culture and history on. Thank you.
Greetings, Helma
Thank you, Helma, for your sincere opinion!
Wonderful photos!
They’re so impressive that I felt as if I’m really traveling in Thailand.
I’m glad you like them, Kumiko!
I like so much your photos of country!!!
Green and beautiful homes!!!
Thank you for the nice trip!
Many greetings and kisses my dear friend!
I liked very much the country landscape in Thailand but when I looked on other blogs for photos, haven’t found them. So I put some here, may be other future travels will need to see them.