The temple was constructed in the XVIth century and it is the biggest complex from Bangkok. Many chedi adorned with small pieces of porcelain in different colors, arranged in different patterns, mainly floral, are to be seen in the courtyards.
The viharns have beautiful Buddha statues, and in a double corridor, over 400 statues are sitting in different positions. It seems it is gold everywhere you look! Some Chinese influences can be seen at the big statues guarding the monumental gates.
One has to pay only to see the Reclining Buddha (50 bht). The viharn was erected by Rama the 3rd. The statue is 46 m in length and 15 m high, the biggest in Thailand. His face shows a small smile, marking the moment he entered nirvana.
La Templul lui Budha culcat am ajuns inconjurand Marele Palat, indrumati gresit – cu sau fara intentie – de un individ care statea pe acolo, pe langa o poarta. Plimbarea asta nu ne-ar fi stricat daca nu era ziua in amiaza mare si o caldura ingrozitoare (in ajunul Craciunului!).
Datorita ocolului am trecut insa pe langa un parc ce parea imbietor dar l-am ignorat,
pe langa o fantana cu elefanti,
un alt wat decat cel care ne interesa,
cladirea interesanta a Ministerului Apararii
si pe langa cineva care hotarase pe loc ca e momentul siestei.
In sfarsit, am ajuns si la Wat Pho, dar la o intrare laterala, nu cea principala. Intrarea este gratuita, se plateste doar accesul la sala care il adaposteste pe Budha culcat, 50 bht.
Datand din secolul al 16-lea, acesta este cel mai mare complex de temple din capitala. In curtea sa sunt numeroase chedi, iar pe coridoare, statuile lui Budha, aurite, stau aliniate in diferite pozitii.
Impresioneaza coloritul chedi-urilor si turnurilor, dat de bucatile de portelan cu care sunt ornate.
Portile sunt impodobite de statui inalte, cu palarii. Uneori ele infatiseaza demoni, de influenta chineza.
In curtile interioare, stupe care adapostesc relicve sau elemente decorative de la ferestre, ne atrag atentia.
In cele cateva viharn sunt adapostite foarte frumoase statui ale lui Budha, la care se inchina cativa credinciosi.
In curte sunt numerosi turisti, straini si autohtoni. Unii sunt in grupuri, conduse de calugari, care dau explicatii.
In sfarsit, ajungem si la sala care il adaposteste pe Budha culcat. Este, intr-adevar, impresionant! Avand 46 m lungime si 15 m inaltime, el sta culcat, sprijinit pe cot. Zambetul de pe fata sa ne indica ca este surprins in momentul in care a intrat in nirvana. Este cea mai mare statuie de acest fel din Thailanda. Pe talpile sale (uriase) sunt insertii de sidef care marcheaza cele 108 puncte de bun augur prin care este identificat un iluminat.
Viharnul care adaposteste statuia a fost construit de Rama al III-lea. Sala nu este cu mult mai mare decat statuia pe care o adaposteste asa ca, credinciosi si turisti o inconjoara inde-aproape. E greu sa gasesti un unghi potrivit pentru a fotografia. Lasarea cate unui banut in bolurile de pomeni, aduce noroc (se spune).
Great places, excellent photos, but my attention was caught by the elegant benches of the first picture.
Very beautiful pictures!!!
Again I’m impressed! What a gorgeous place!
beautiful photos!
These are amazing but I must say that last shot is my favorite.
I will write the details, VP:)
Thank you, Phivos, for being here!
It’s an amazing place, Joo, and huge!
Thank you, Theanne!
It’s almost the single angle one can see Budha’s face, Randy.
Excellent presentation!
The photos with your back to the past …
I admire the exceptional detail and richness!!
Good week my dear friend!
As always you are very nice, Magda, thank you!
Extraordinary TH! You have been to so many beautiful and inspiring settings, this one being one of them! Fantastic images today :^)
Thanks a lot, Doug! All the 3 wats I’ve seen in Bangkok were great!
What a cheerful colors in this blog and pink elephants, I have never seen, but here with you soon 🙂 The golden temples and boeddabeelden are a feast for the eyes.
You are a blessed man Traveling Hawk so many beautiful things that you see on your travels, and I am a blessed man that I may view this with you.
Kind regards, Helma
I am thankful to have been able to see those places, Helma. Thank you for the visit!
Foarte frumoase imaginile!
O primavara frumoasa iti doresc!
Multumesc mult, Laura! Si tie la fel!