It was sun again, so I went to another park, were the observatory is. Called Cheomgeongdae, which means “the palace nearer the stars” or “tower to look to the stars”, it was erected on 634, as a gift to Queen Seon Deok on ocassion of her birthday.
For the construction, they used 362 granit stones, as the days number in a lunar year. The stones have been disposed in 27 layers, as the queen was the 27th ruler of Silla. This is the oldest astronomical observatory in East Asia, which may be seen today.
As I said at the beginning, there are a lot of objectives to be visited here but I succeed to see only these, in only half a day. No wonder that Gyeongyu is named “a museum without walls” , celebrating Silla dynasty, which ruled 1000 years.
De la muzeu, m-am indreptat spre elesteul Anapji, aflat in vecinatatea pavilionului Imhaejeon, de langa fostul palat regal din Seorabeol. In 674, regele de atunci al Sillei, Munmu, a construit un lac, strajuit de un deal artificial, pe care sa fie plantati copaci si flori rare si sa fie crescute pasari si animale rare in apropierea palatului. Initial, lacul s-a numit Wolji, dar in timpul dinastiei Joseon numele sau a fost schimbat in Anapji, insemnand lac pentru rate si gaste.
In 1975 lacul a fost secat complet pentru curatire si consolidare. Cu aceasta ocazie s-au efectuat sapaturi care au scos la iveala mare parte din artefactele expuse la muzeu. Acestea au validat ipoteza ca lacul a fost construit in timpul dinastiei Silla.
Din constructiile care existau aici odinioara au ramas doar trei pavilioane si locul este folosit pentru plimbare si relaxare. Intrarea costa 1000 won.
Vremea se inseninase, asa ca parcul a fost invadat de grupuri de copii adusi aici sa se joace.
In timpul domniei reginei Seon Deok s-a construit aici un interesant observator astronomic, care conteaza azi drept cel mai vechi observator din Asia de Est, care a rezistat timpului. Pentru ca serialul aminteste construirea sa, m-am dus sa-l vad. Asta a insemnat o plimbare prin alt parc, plin de flori viu colorate si oameni iesiti la plimbare, dupa doua zile de ploaie.
In apropiere, se zareau alte morminte regale, intrega zona a orasului fiind presarata cu ele.
Observatorul sau Cheomgeongdae cum i se spune in coreeana, insemnand “turnul de privit la stele” sau “palatul mai aproape de stele”, a fost construit in anul 634, cu ocazia aniversarii zilei de nastere a reginei. S-au folosit la constructie 362 de pietre de granit, cate una pentru fiecare zi a anului lunar, asezate in 27 de randuri pentru ca Seon Deok a fost al 27-lea carmuitor al tarii. Randurile sunt dispuse cate 12 deasupra si dedesubtul deschizaturii, semnificand cele 12 luni ale anului dupa unii, sau cele 12 semne zodiacale, dupa altii. Cu ajutorul observatiilor facute aici se prognozau eclipsele de soare si de luna.
Acesta a fost ultimul dintre obiectivele pe care am reusit sa le vizitez in Gyeongyu, intr-o jumatate de zi. Dupa cum am scris deja, zona abunda insa in astfel de locuri, asa incat cateva zile pot fi petrecute cu folos aici. Pentru acest motiv, Gyeongyu a fost numit “muzeul fara ziduri” al dinastiei Silla, care a condus timp de 1000 de ani.
ce fain..
The kids are adorable. Place near the star – I wonder how the place looks at night. Are the stars bigger? We have a place here in the Philippines where the stars are bigger (not to mention many shooting stars to see too).
I’m dreaming of walking in this place just by staring at your photos. Very zen looking areas. 🙂
da, iti da o stare de bine, smalldot:)
Frankly, I cannot tell you, Rizalenio, if stars are bigger there. I haven’t looked at them. But they are definitely much bigger where my my mountain chalet is(you have seen it already in other psts)because the air is much claner there, and it is also the altitude: 750 m.
These are great. I love the chipmunk and the observatory.
very thank you runnig in your foot and eyes
What a beautiful squirrel! Was it difficult to capture that picture?
Duncan In Kuantan
Thanks, Randy.
Frankie Pain, thank you for visit and comment.
No, Duncan, they are used with people around. I only had to catch her being still.
I love the intricate details of the green roof… and obviously the round bench!
Thank you, VP! And the bench is all yours, if you want it:
Wonderful photography! I love the gardens, and the picture of the little girl resting on the railing is priceless! Great post Traveling Hawk:^)
Thanbks, Doug! That little girl was so cute! I “spoke” to her, in Romanian but with compassion, and she looked at me with so much hope and cried bitterly. It seemed she was excluded by the other kids from their game!
I love how intricate the ceiling of the roof is!
Hello, Traveling Hawk
I am touched by your works.
The profound atmosphere will heal my feeling.
Your sensitivity is praised
The prayer for all peace.
Have a good weekend…
ruma ❀
Pinay Travel Junkie, welcome and thanks for the comment.
Thank you, Ruma, for the kind words.
Have a nice weekend!
Ce veseli sunt copilasii 😛
Credca nu exagereaza cu nimic cand au numit localitatea “muzeul; fara ziduri”, din nou gadini superbe si acele palate stil asiatic sunt deosebite .
Cred ca ti-a parut rau ca ai avuut la dispozitie doarr o jumatate de zi.
Beautiful Photos! Great Shots! 🙂
Asa e, Cartim! Mi-a parut rau ca in total am avut doar 7 zile efectiv acolo, fiindca intreaga Coree de Sud e plina de temple, fortarete, munti nu inalti dar cu peisaje deosebite, insule frumoase. Ai ce vedea acolo!
Thanks, Old Geezer, for the comment!
Mooie opnames…. speciaal de kinderfoto’s , die vind ik heel erg leuk.
groetjes, joop
Thank you Joop, the children have been great, indeed!
Very much enjoyed your pictures. Beautiful place with beautiful children.
Welcome to my blog, myth maker! I hope you will repeat your visit here.
beautiful architecture and i love the vast expanse of yellow field and the handsome critter.
Thanks, Life Ramblings, for the visit and comment.
Looks like a nice colourful and peaceful place away from the city.
Actually it is in the city, J_on_tour! Gyeongyu is a very green city.