On my return, on August, I ‘ll be at my chalet in the mountains, on the Ariesh Valley. Those of you who read my blog since last year, know that I am struggling there with a bad connection, so my presence on the blog during August will be sporadic. I will be back to normal on September.
Till my next post, I leave you with images taken at my chalet last week. There are also images from the Ordancusha Valley (National Park Apuseni Mts.), from what one may call “a botanical walk”, as I took photos of flowers mostly.
I wish you all a nice summer vacation!
Maine plec, pentru doua saptamani, in Muntenegru si Albania, deci voi lipsi de pe blog in aceasta perioada. In luna august, cand voi fi la cabana mea, pe Valea Ariesului, prezenta va fi sporadica, cand ma va lasa conexiunea… Voi reintra “in normal”, in septembrie.
Pana atunci, va las cu imagini din jurul cabanei si dintr-o plimbare facuta dumineca pe V. Ordancusei (Parcul National Mtii. Apuseni), o plimbare botanica as numi-o, fiindca am fotografiat mai ales flori.
Va doresc tuturor o vacanta minunata!
distractie placuta, timp bun si numai momente bune!
Vacanta frumoasa si vreme insorita!:)
Vacanta placuta!
Excellent photo’s …well done.
Greetings, Joop
vacanta placuta!
I can’t wait to see your photos from Albania!
By the way, your cottage is gorgeous and its location is fantastic!
Hugs for Nero, and have a great time:)
Oare de ce mi-s cunoscute ultimele fotografii?! 🙂
Drum bun si sa te intorci cu bine si povesti frumoase!
A surprising new place to explore with you and a lot of lovely images.
Vreme buna, plimbari cat mai placute si tolba cat mai plina de povesti la intoarcere. Abia astept sa ne incanti cu fotografiile din vacanta!
Have a great time on your vacation, it looks a wonderful place. i need to check out a few of your posts now.
I am having difficulty spending time with my blog at the moment as I am away most weekends and spend the rest of week either editing photos and un-packing, washing clothes & re-packing.
My kind of place. That photo of Nero is so adorable!
You have the mot beautiful, beautiful Chalet in the mountains. How can you leave that and keep travelling?
Anyway happy vacation to you.
Have a great vacation, mate. Look forward to seeing more beautiful pics from the vacation
This is paradise, my friend. Have a safe and enjoyable vacation. You will be missed. Cant wait to see your photos and read your stories soon. 🙂
Vacanta placuta! Astept cu nerabdare povestiri despre Muntenegru si Albania!
Thank you very much for your well wishes while I was sick!
Duncan In Kuantan
Hello, Traveling Hawk.
Your heartwarming works fascinates my heart.
Thank you for your kindness.
I wish You all the best.
Have a good weekend.
Imaginile sunt absolut superbe.
Avand in vedere ca te duci in vacante asa de frumoaste, am placerea sa te invit sa participi la concursul organizat de Roxandrei.ro in care poti castiga: vouchere emag, promovare gratuita pe blog, etc.
Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa ne alsi un comentariu cu o vacanta pe care ti-o vei reaminti mereu.
Frumoase pozele si peisajele , dar cea mai frumoasa este acea care ni-l arata pe Nero :)) Este tare dragut, sa va traiasca!
Abia astept sa vii din concediu ca sa iti vad tolba cu fotografii si povestiei ..
Distractie placuta !!
Sa avet un concediu placut si odihnitor!
Belated thanks to all of you! I wish you all have a great vacation!
Cu intarziere, la intoarcere, va multumesc tuturor pentru urari! Sper ca ati avut sau inca veti avea o vacanta frumoasa, cu totii!
Dar si in Muntenegru ai ce vedea. Impactul este insa dat de vegetatie. ca la noi , la nimenea. Oricum Apusenii sunt unici in Europa