Mai aproape de Campeni, la doar 14 km se afla Manastirea Lupsa. Zidul de piatra care o inconjoara este nou.
Daca patrunzi in curte, la umbra molizilor se odihneste vechea biserica din lemn a manastirii, construita in 1429.
Acum cativa ani, cand am vizitat-o prima data, pe aripa sa vestica, sub acoperis, era pictata.
Acum insa este toata zugravita in alb. Nu am putut intra inauntru, asa ca am fotografiat printr-o mica deschidere a usii, peretii pictati din interior.
Prima restaurare a avut loc in 1975. Apoi, s-a construit o biserica noua si un adapost pentru calugarii care traiesc si muncesc aici. Biserica urmeaza sa fie pictata in interior, nu este inca gata.
biserica noua, cu turn traditional
Postcards from the Apuseni Mountains 9. Lupsha Monastery
Nearer to Campeni, at only 14 km, there is another monastery, called Lupsha, after the name of the village were it was erected the first wooden little church, on 1429.
When I visited here some years ago, there was a painting on the outside wall, under the roof, on the western side of the church. Now it is painted in white. I couldn’t enter, so I only took a couple of photos through the door.
The first restauration took place on 1975, then a new church and lodgings for the monks were added. The new church is not finished yet: the inner wall paintings are still to be added. The stone wall encircling the monastery is new.
Beautiful paintings.
Thanks for the visit, Randy! Have a nice weekend!
Again very good photographed….well done.
Greetings, Joop
Thanks, Joop!
Have a nice weekend!
Lovely photographs.
very interesting art, but I really can’t size up that bell: is it big as it seems?
Thank you, rama!
Yes, it is, VP!
I love seeing old churches like this. Makes me dream of visualizing how lives were lived before.
Thanks a lot for sharing this, my friend.
You are welcome, Rizalenio! Nice you have been here:)
Changed so much over the years Traveling Hawk, but I find the pictures I see now also very beautiful. The church is not finished yet, but that will in due time well.
Kind regards, Helma
Yes, you are right, Helma. Thanks a lot!
Traveling Hawk ,avand in vedere pseudonimul tau sa stii ca de multe ori ma gandesc ce frumos ar fi daca am putea zbura.In acest fel am putea calatori cand am vrea si am putea admira de sus raiul pamantesc pe care Dumnezeu ni l-a daruit noua,romanilor.Doborati de gijile zilnice parca un val de ceata ni s-a pus pe ochi si nu mai putem vedea minunile naturii oferite de Dumnezeu doar pentru noi romanii.Avem niste peisaje pe care orice locuitor al acestei planete si le-ar dori ,insa nu avem respect deloc pentru darurile oferite de Dumnezeu.Se defriseaza padurile in Romania mai mult ca oriunde fara sa se intreprinda nimic pentru a stopa acest lucru.Goana dupa bani,ne-a facut sa distrugem tot ce e frumos in jurul nostru,iar aceasta gradina a Maicii Domnului se va transforma in curand intr-o zona arida,semidesertica daca nu se face nimic pentru a opri defrisarea.Cat despre mununatele manastiri din Romania,trebuie sa fim recunoscatori acelor oameni care se roaga pentru binele acestei tari.
E adevarat ce spui, Cristi M., cu un |detaliu| in plus: nu simpla goana dupa bani, ci neaplicarea legilor, in mod egal pentru fiecare, ne-a adus unde suntem azi. Caci orice rau poate fi stopat, daca se aplica legea.