Imagini din Madrid / Images of Madrid

Waiting for the next important voyage, I look over old photos and I think to show you parts of a city I have visited 14 years ago: Madrid.

May is a good year to visit Sapnish towns because it is not too hot yet. Anyhow, Madrid has a lot of fountains and greenery which make the temperatures bearable.

And where could you find a statue of Don Quichotte de la Mancha if not here, in Madrid?!

Plaza Mayor (17th century) and Puerta del Sol are places were a tourist always goes. On May, you may see a lot of senioritas with colorful dresses. Juan de Villanueva is the author of last renovations here. The first buildings were of wood and they were destroyed by fires many times.

The large and animated boulevards enable us to see beautiful buildings of different styles. Madrid is a vivid town, people come and go, the Merridional noise always present.

The Retiro Park is a nice spot. Buil as a retirement (retiro) place for the royal family, now it is the park of the inhabitants of Madrid. Another tourist objective is, of course, the Royal Palace, built between 1738-1764, on the site of a Moorish fortress from the 9th. century. As inspiration, Bernini’s  drawings for the Louvre have been used. Out of 2500 rooms, 50 could be visited by tourists.

But Madrid has also modern parts. AZCA is a kind of La Defence in Paris. It is the financial district too, of course.When I was there, 14 years ago, the Picasso Tower was the highest (43 levels), now I’m sure I’d be surprised…

In asteptarea viitoarei calatorii, ma uit pe fotografii vechi si ma gandesc sa va arat si voua cum am vazut eu Madridul, de exemplu, acum 14 ani. O plimbare prin oras intr-o zi de sambata, inainte de a-mi lua zborul, dupa o saptamana de munca petrecuta in Granada

Luna mai in Spania este placuta, nu s-au instalat inca caldurile mari. Fantanile nenumarate ale orasului si multa vegetatie atenueaza oricum senzatia de prea cald. Ies in evidenta Fantana lui Neptun din Piata Canovas del Castillo, Fantana Cibeles sau Fantana Gloriette de Atocha.

 Fantana lui Neptun
in parcul Retiro

Unde anume decat in capitala Spaniei ar fi  mai potrivita o statuie a lui Don Quichotte de la Mancha?

 grup statuar Don Quichotte si Sancho Panza
Plaza Mayor este un loc pe care nu-l ocoleste nici un turist sosit la Madrid. Aici te poti imagina in Evul Mediu, intr-un spatiu inconjurat de cladiri din lem, cu doua-trei etaje. Constructia pietei s-a terminat in 1619, in timpul regelui Filip III. Cladirile au ars in incendii consecutive, ultima restaurare si aspectul de astazi datorandu-i-se lui Juan de Villanueva.
 Plaza Mayor
Nu departe se afla Puerta del Sol,  cu Real Casa de Correos din secolul al XVIII-lea. Turnul sau cu ceas reprezinta un punct de atractie, deoarece aici intampina madrilenii Anul Nou. Cladirea este acum sediul presedintelui Comunitatii Autonome a Madridului.
 Puerta del Sol
Orasul are multe cladiri monumentale pe bulevardele sale largi, pline de oameni grabiti sau care se plimba agale. Madridul este un oras dinamic, vibrand de viata.
 Cladirea Banesto (1902, Art Nouveau) – Banca Spaniola de Credit
Daca vreti recreere, mergeti in Parcul Retiro, nu departe de Muzeul Prado. Creat initial ca un loc de retragere (retiro) pentru familia regala, este acum o gradina publica care ii primeste pe madrileni pe cele 130 ha ale sale.
monumentul lui Alfonso al XII-lea
Alaturi de Prado, Palatul regal este unul dintre obiectivele preferate ale turistilor. Constructia in stil baroc si clasic, s-a ridicat intre 1738-1764 pe locul unei foste fortarete maure din secolul al 9-lea. Ca inspiratie au fost folosite schite facute de Bernini pentru Luvru. Din cele 2500 de camere, 50 sunt puse la dispozitia turistilor, pentru vizitare. Doua parcuri frumoase se afla langa palat, Campo del Moro si Gradina Sabatini. De asemenea, se poate vizita aici si Catedrala regala, Almudena.
 Palacio Real
Gradina Sabatini

Nu va imaginati insa ca la Madrid nu puteti vedea si arhitectura moderna. Zona numita AZCA, este un fel de La Defence parizian. Aici este cartierul financiar, numit “zona cu zgarie nori”. Acum 14 ani, cel mai inalt era Turnul Picasso, cu 43 de etaje. Cred insa ca as avea surprize acum…

Turnul Mahou, 100 m inaltime, 23 etaje


Imagini din Madrid / Images of Madrid — 18 Comments

  1. I was stacked in this wonderful city for almost one week after the eruption of the volcano in April 2010, and despite the situation I really enjoyed my stay there! It is marvelous place! Thank for showing it:)
    Have a great Sunday!

  2. Such majestic buildings, and you have captured them well. Brought back memories of my visit there. Spain is country, that one can never tired of.

  3. What an experience looking at photos more than a decade ago. Glad you shared this to us. May is near and I’m dreaming of visiting this place.

    Happy weekend, my dear friend. 🙂

  4. Old photos show not only the places but also fashion, cars, life in another period. Thanks, Rizalenio! I would be glad if you will manage to see these places by yourself one day.

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