The Korean capital is surrounded by mountains. Not high ones but spectacular! Namsan Mountain (meaning “the Southern Mountain”) is one of them. The tower was erected on 1969 but only on 1980 the adjacent zone was put to public use as a park.
As Namsan Mountain is one of the places were the Seulites are going to admire the cherry-blossoms, the aleys were full of people. Up, on the terrace, many people, of all ages. Some were picnicking, others were taking photographs and admiring the views. Not few were those looking at the love’s lockers, exposed on a wall.
Namsan Mountain is a pleasant place to be in a spring day, when the whole mountain is adorned by cherry flowers.
P.S. for MKL, a Slovenian blogger leaving in Taiwan: a looked after your note there but I was not able to find it. May be I looked in the wrong place, I am sorry.
O alta posibilitatea de a privi orasul de sus este sa mergi pe Muntele Namsan, la Turnul Namsan. Se poate urca cu o telecabina ( (Linia 4, iesirea 3, statia Myeong-dong; biletul de telecabina costa 6000 won un drum sau 7500 won dus/intors; durata: 40 minute), cu autobuzul (metrou Linia 3 si 4, iesirea 2, statia Chungmuro, apoi autobuzul galben) sau cu autocarul turistic, despre care am vorbit. Eu am ales aceasta ultima varianta.
Orasul Seoul este inconjurat de “munti”, cu inaltimi care la noi sunt atribuite dealurilor. Datorita imbinarii intre paduri si zone stancoase, unele greu accesibile, lasa impresia unor munti. Coreenii sunt mari amatori de drumetie si de catarare si nu rareori poti vedea in metrou oameni complet echipati ca pentru niste ture lungi si dificile pe munte.
Muntele Namsan are o inaltime de numai 265 m, iar numele sau inseamna “muntele de sud”. Se spune ca el ofera unele dintre cele mai cuprinzatoare privelisti asupra Seulului. Aici se afla si unele dintre obiectivele importante ale orasului, Turnul Namsan.
Acesta a fost construit in 1969, iar zona din jurul sau a fost deschisa publicului, sub forma unui parc, in 1980. Exista aici cateva restaurante, inclusiv unul care se roteste. De asemenea, o punte de observare permite admirarea privelistilor. Dupa asfintit, aici are loc un spectacol de lasere, la care, din pacate, nu am asistat.
De indata ce autocarul s-a angajat pe serpentinele care conduc spre turn, au inceput sa se auda exclamatii de incantare: inaintam pe o alee de ciresi infloriti, plina de oameni care se plimbau. Din loc in loc, vedeam crampeie din oras.
La cateva sute de metri de turn este statia la care toti coboara si parcurg pe jos ultima portiune de drum. Chiar la inceput, vad o parte din vechiul zid de piatra care inconjura vechea capitala regala.
Vizibil din aproape orice loc din oras, Turnul Namsan masoara 480 m inaltime. In mica piata care il inconjoara e foarte multa lume. Unii s-au asezat, pregatiti cu tot ce le trebuie pentru picnic.
Altii se plimba, fac fotografii, admira privelistile sau lasa cate un lacat al iubirii pe zidul special dedicat.
Vizitatorii sunt de toate varstele, pana la cei mai tineri. Pe toti ii vegheaza Haechi, mascota Seulului.
Everytime it’s a pleasure to see your nice photowork…thanks !!
greetings, Joop
It’s me who should say “thanks” to you, Joop, for your comment!
It’s really fantastic place! Thanks for sharing:)
I love those beautiful trees! What a lovely walk.
I love the cherry blossoms, I have only seen it in pictures, must visit places where they bloom in abundance. It is indeed a visual pleasure to come to your blogs.
Glad you enjoyed, Joo!
Those trees make the place to look like a fairy land, Randy.
Thank you, Rama, for your visit and comment. Japan, South Korea, and China are the best places where you may see the cherry blossoms or sakura.
Si aici au lacate?! Pe mine m-au fascinat in Florenta, dar se pare ca sunt multe locatii in lume unde sunt aceste lacate.
frumos timp ai prins cu ciresii infloriti. desi se vede ca era multa lume, parca acesti copaci degaja o atmosfera de calm si liniste.
Da, Liliana, obiceiul s-a raspandit:)
pharaonx, ciresii aia creeaza o atmosfera de vis; cred ca fotografiile nu reusesc sa arate tot; in alta parte erau doar ciresi roz, o sa-i vedeti si pe aia! nu-mi venea sa plec dintre ei desi ploua…
A quite different perspective, I always like a view from above.
There are many places in Seoul, VP, to see the city from above. I only visited these two. There are still so many things I have not seen there that I am inclined to go the second time there:)
Oooo, flowers, nice view, very interesting place!!
Thank you for so beautiful trip!
Many greetings
Great photos, bring back memories to me 😛 I guess my writing was washed away already, haha. Anyway, thanks for the effort and the mention 🙂
So nice of you.
The trees with white blossom are really quite beautiful!
Duncan In Kuantan
Thank you, Magda, for the comments!
Of course I looked for it, MKL! Yours was the first good presentation of Seoul, I found on internet!
Yes, Duncan Namsan Mountain is one of the great promenade places, when the cherries are blooming.
Awe inspiring your works…
Thank you for your love and sincerity.
Have a good weekend.
From Saga, Japan.
Thank you so much, Ruma, for your kind words. A nice weekend to you too!
Multitudonea aceea de flori de cires este extraordinara, iar orasul vazut dwe sus indiferent cat de luminat este acesta , cred ca e superba.
Pare un loc deosebit.
Da, Cartim, un loc in care – ca si in altele – am stat prea putin…
a wonderful place with plenty of great photo ops.
Thank you, Life Ramblings, for the visit!
Once again, some spectacular views of the city. I see that the Koreans love their dogs as well !!
Yes! it’s a major change of attitude. The young generation is more inclined to adopt Western habits.
Superb! Parca ar fi drumul pe sub Tampa din Brasov, doar ca strajuit de ciresi!
Da, cam asa, Rocs dar ciresii fac diferenta!