Ca si alti calatori-fotografi si eu caut mereu un loc mai inalt in orice oras in care merg. Turnul televiziunii din Tashkent a inceput sa functioneze in anul 1985, fiind cea mai inalta structura din Asia Centrala. Inaltimea sa de 375 m il face cu 75 m mai inalt decat celebrul Turn Eiffel.
Turnul TV, Tashkent
Am ajuns pana acolo cu metroul (1 bilet – 700 sum), coborand la statia Khabib Abdullaev, linia verde. Metroul din Tashkent are trei linii. Unele dintre statiile sale sunt frumos decorate, ca si la metroul din Moscova, pentru cine il cunoaste. Fotografiatul este insa strict interzis, asa ca nu va pot arata nimic.Pentru a-l vizita, trebuie sa prezenti pasaportul. Intrarea costa 7000 sum, care iti asigura urcatul pana la puntea de observatie, la100 m. Daca mai dai tot pe atata liftierului, te duce pana la platforma deschisa, de intretinere, la 200 m. Pe puntea de observatie gasesti, daca esti interest, un restaurant si un bar.
La parter, holul este decorat cu un mosaic creat de Buharbaev, cu intarsii din pietre semipretioase.
De sus, vezi cat de mult se intinde Tashkentul si cat de verde este! Imediat la picioarele turnului, se vad lacurile din Aqua Park. Dincolo de ele sunt cladirile modern ale Hotelului Intercontinental, Bancii Nationale si un Business Center International.
cu Gallia, sus in Turnul TV din Tashkent
Aqua Park
Cand am plecat, soarele apunea. Pana am ajuns la statia de metrou, cerul s-a colorat frumos mai intai in galben sulfuriu, apoi in nuante de rosu. Ultima noapte in Asia Centrala incepea.
On the Silk Road in Uzbekistan 8. TV Tower, Tashkent
Like other photographer-traveler, wherever I go, I am looking after a taller place to admire the panorama. TV Tower in Tashkent started operation on 1985, as the tallest structure in Central Asia. Its heigh of 375 m makes the tower 75 m taller than the famous Eiffel Tower.
Like other photographer-traveler, wherever I go, I am looking after a taller place to admire the panorama. TV Tower in Tashkent started operation on 1985, as the tallest structure in Central Asia. Its heigh of 375 m makes the tower 75 m taller than the famous Eiffel Tower.
We went there by metro, descending at Khabib Abdullaev station, on the green line. A ticket costs 700 sum. In Tashkent, the metro has three lines with stations beautifully decorated. It is strictly prohibited to take photos, so I cannot demonstrate you what I say.
To visit the tower, you have to carry your passport with you. The entrance ticket is 7000 sum (aprox. 3$), which enable you to go to the observation deck, at 100 m heigh. If you offer the same amount of money to the lift boy, he/she will take you at 200 m, at the open maintenance deck. There is a restaurant and a bar at the observation deck.
The lobby is decorated with a mosaic created by Buharbaev, using semi-presious stones.
From above, you may see how big and green is Tashkent! At the foot of the tower you see the artificial lakes of the Aqua Park and, beyond, the modern buildings of the Intercontinental Hotel, National Bank, and International Business Center.
Always nice pictures and good information about these place you have visit.
Greetings, Joop
Thank you, Joop! Have a good week!
TV tower are always a very good observation point and a great photo op!
Yes, I think so too, VP. Thanks!
I like the murals.
Thanks, Randy!
Si noi cautam adesea în orasele importante în care ajungem astfel de turnuri, de puncte care sa ne permita o vedere de ansamblu. Cu datele sale – 375 m – turnul din Taskent chiar pare impresionant. Ca si impresia de oras verde a capitalei uzbece, chiar nu m-as fi asteptat la un astfel de atribut.
Multumesc pentru vizita si comentariu, Adriana. Nici eu nu m-am asteptat la atat verdeata!
You not only prachtgie panoramic photos but also beautiful paintings and especially beautiful skies. I love harrow of skies and warm colors I find really beautiful.
Thanks a lot, Helma!
This was a lovely post on the TV tower and city of Tashkent:)
Welcome on my blog and thank you for the comment, Rahul Bhatia!
The cloud formation is absolutely breathtaking. I must say that you captured it wonderfully. I can stay in this place the whole day just to enjoy this moment. Can’t stop staring at these photos, my dear friend.
Thanks for the comment, Rizalenio! It was a nice sunset, indeed.
such a bustling city and the TV Tower looks majestic against the sky. beautiful shots of sunset.
Thanks, LifeRamblings!
Hello, Traveling Hawk.
Your work is embraced in your gentleness.
And sweet message charms my heart.
The prayer for all peace.
I wish You all the best.
Have a good day. from Japan, ruma ❀
All the best to you too, ruma! Thank you!
Aduce puțin cu Oriental Pearl Tower din Shanghai.