Strabatem asadar din nou capitala, inapoi, spre centrul ei. Nu departe de raul Yamuna sa afla un alt complex, in mijlocul caruia straluceste acest monument, intrat in patrimoniul UNESCO in 1993. El este inspirat din arhitectura persana si constituie primul mormant-gradina din India, care a inspirat moda adusa la apogeu prin construirea Taj Mahalului. Ulterior, a fost folosit ca necropola a dinastiei mogule. aici existand aproximativ 150 de morminte.
Humayun, tatal vestitului Akbar, a fost al doilea sultan din dinastia mogulilor care a domnit peste teritoriul care astazi inseamna Afganistan, Pakistan si nordul Indiei. La 14 ani dupa moartea sa (1556), Hamida Bam Begum, sotia sa, ridica acest monument somptuos, poem de dragoste in piatra, scris cu dalta de mesteri persani. Mormantul lui Humayun este cel care a fost sursa de inspiratie pentru Taj Mahal. Nu stiam lucrul acesta pana nu am inceput sa ma documentez pentru calatoria in India. Acum urma sa il vedem.
Inca de la intrare, o placa explicativa ne atrage atentia. Conform celor scrise, aici s-a desfasurat, intre 2000-2003, sub egida Aga Khan trust in colaborare cu Archaeological Survey of India, un amplu proiect de revitalizare a gradinii care inconjoara pretioasele monumente. Cu aceasta ocazie au fost reparate canalele pentru apa pe o lungime de 3 km (o caracteristica a gradinilor mogule este faptul ca sunt strabatute de canale pentru apa, deschise), s-au refacut bordurile a 3.5 km de alei, au fost scoase manual 3 camioane de pamant aflat in exces, s-au refacut – prin cioplire manuala – 4 km de gard de piatra, au fost plantate 2500 plante preferate de moguli, s-au refacut 2500 m patrati de cai de acces, s-au descoperit si decolmatat bazine istorice de apa, s-a introdus un sistem de colectare a apei de ploaie si s-au construit cai de acces pentru persoanele cu handicap. Desi este vorba, in principal, despre o fundatie privata bogata, sa ne gandim ca vorbim despre o tara a saraciei extreme, in care un institut de arheologie a gasit resursele necesare pentru a oferi o noua viata unui monument important pentru istoria nationala! Este nevoie sa spun cate monumente care, pastrand proportiile, sunt la fel de importante pentru noi, romanii, si pe care se pare ca toti le-au uitat?
Gradina din jur adaposteste numeroase specii de plante, pasari si mici animale. Oamenii gasesc aici un placut loc de plimbare, odihna si racoare.
Ne intoarcem spre intrarea in complex unde am vazut ruina unei porti care duce catre alt spatiu.
Dupa ce pasim dincolo de poarta o constructie armonioasa ni se arata in toata splendoarea sa. Este mormantul lui Isa Khan, nobil de la curtea sahului Sher Sur, construit inca din timpul vietii sale. Acesta este cu 20 de ani mai vechi decat mormantul lui Humayun. Ca stil, se supune acelorasi reguli: forma octogonala, jhali, ornamente cu placi de faianta colorata. Pana la inceputul secolului al XX-lea, in aceasta gradina era adapostit un sat intreg.
In partea opusa mormantului se afla moscheea care insoteste, de obicei, aceste morminte-gradina. Este ultima constructie din acest complex pe care o vedem. Ne intoarcem pe aceeasi poarta, sa il cautam pe soferul nostru care si-o fi pierdut rabdarea asteptandu-ne.
Monumentul poate fi vizitat zilnic, incepand de la ora 10. Intrarea costa 250 Rp, pentru straini. Se poate fotografia peste tot. Daca fotografiile mele nu v-au convins, va mai pot spune ca anul trecut, in 7 noiembrie, Presedintele Obama a vizitat acest monument, unde a zabovit o ora, dupa cum apare informatia pe internet. Presupun ca a vizitat doar mormantul lui Humayun, fiindca noi am stat in complex doua ore si jumatate si inca mai puteam sta…Rezulta de aici ca e mai bine sa fii muritor de rand si sa-ti organizezi singur vizita?!
Stories from Rajahsthan 5. Humayun’s Tomb, Delhi
During the same day we visited Humayun’s Tomb, a UNESCO site since 1993. This is the tomb for the second ruler of Mughal dynasty in India. It was erected by his wife, Bam Begun, after 14 years from his death. She brought a Persian architect – Mirak Mirza Ghiyath and workers. The inspiration was Timur’s tomb from Samarkand. This wonderful construction has all the elements of Mughal architecture: corridors, jhalis, chattris, arched doors, ornaments with colored tiles. Standing on a 7 m high terrace, it has an octogonal form. The white marble dom is 42.5 m high.
Because we are speaking about a complex not a single monument, you may visit here the Arab Sarai and Bu Halima Gardens, both from XVI-th century, Afsarwala’ s tomb and mosque, and Isa Khan’s tomb and mosque. You find everything in a huge garden, full of water channels, different plant species, small animals and birds. People are coming here to walk and to rest in the shadow of the trees. In fact, this garden started a trend of the garden-tombs and served as inspiration for other love monunment: Taj Mahal.
Last year, on November, President Obama spent one hour here.
The entrance to the monument costs 250 Rp (aprox. US$6), photographs taking, permitted everywhere.
Cel mai interesant e mormantul lui Humayun. Poate fiindca e mare imi place asa mult.
Frumos obiectiv turistic
Gorgeous photos. You truly travel with passion and have a great eye for details. I’m wondering, if you ever plan to visit Taiwan?
E frumos, nu degeaba a fost inspiratia pentru Taj Mahal dar mie imi place si acea structura care este mormantul lui Isa Khan.
Yes, MKL, I do have a passion for travel! I have never thought about visiting Taiwan. I just read recently that, starting November, we do not need a visa for Taiwan, which is OK for me. I hate to go to the capital for a visa 🙂 Which company do you travel from Slovenia to Taiwan?
You mean the airline? I usually fly with EVA Air, which is Taiwan based.
Does it operate in Europe? I mean from Zagreb to Taiwan not viceversa. I know Turkish Airlines and Finnair are good companies for flying to Asia. I am sure Taiwan is a very interesting country but first I have to take into consideration the cost of the flight 🙂
It does operate in Europe. I usually fly from Vienna to Taipei straight, we only have one stopover in Bangkok, where you leave the plane for 2h and then return. Last year I paid something over 900eur for the ticket, but I booked very late.
Ps: Commenting from my Slovenian blog 🙂
Thanks, Slovenec! I understand it was a return ticket, wasn’t it? I will check the flight from Vienna. I used to fly much with Austrian Airlines but they are a more expensive airline. Nevertheless we have daily flights to Vienna from Timisoara. Thanks again, and come again if you like!
Pe mine m-ai convins..chiar si fara Obama 🙂
Stiu, VertAnge. Asta era asa, pentru inedit 🙂 Nu as vizita niciodata un monument dupa asemenea criterii.
fascinate istorisiri si fotografii ale unor locuri absolut superbe, despre care habar nu aveam ca exista.
oricum muritor de rand sau nu, obama cel putin o ajuns acolo. indiferent de timpul petrecut, pun pariu ca impresia ramine puternica foarte mult timp.
si penultima fotografie imi place la nebunie. foarte fain gindita si prinsa.
Si cand te gandesti cate locuri din astea or fi, pentru fiecare dintre noi, pharaonx!? Multumesc pentru cuvintele de apreciere. Cand timpul e prea scurt, recurg mai mult la instantanee si daca ele se si potrivesc…
Yay, it’s me, MKL, hehe.. Sorry, I guess I wasn’t clear about my second identity. I just made my Slovenian blog recently, still under construction, so I haven’t advertised it yet. You better follow my English blog, should be enough 🙂 I hope to get some Slovenian readers on that blog and it will be a lot of comparisons with Slovenia and the things happening in Slovenia. But I may use this account to comment sometimes, if you don’t mind 😉
Wonderful photos and beautiful stories as always. I love the framing on your images as well. 🙂
There are so many images in this post and most of them, if not all, are eyecatching. I like much more this part of your trip: every building is so peculiar and exotic…
No problem, Slovenec MKL! You may comment using whatever identity you want, as I now know about whom it is about 🙂
Rizalenio, thanks for your words! Sometime I do have time to think about framing, sometime no. So not all photos are of the same value 🙂
VP, I promise it will be like this from now on…
Foarte frumos, atat fotografiile cat si descrierea.Ce mult deamana mormantul lui Humayun cu Taj Mahal! Ambele inchinate unei mari iubiri. Interesant este simbolul stelei cu 6 colturi, care este acum specific evreilor. Oare care este legatura in timp!? oricumcunoasterea vechilor civilizatii este plina de invataminte si pilde de urmat.
Sigur ca seamana, Mariana, fiindca primul l-a inspirat pe al doilea! Nu stiu cum a evoluat simbolul respectiv. Mai este un simbol extrem de vechi intalnit in India – crucea incarligata – care a fost luata si folosita abuziv, cu alt sens, de altii…
Oh the things you have seen amaze me. I love all the color and detail in the architecture. I am so glad that I can travel through your photographs.
You are welcome, Randy, on this blog! Keep coming!
your travel photos never fail to amaze me. i enjoy tagging along with you. keep them coming. hope your week is off to a great start.
Hi Traveling Hawk and Happy New Year! I love all of your photos..They really highlight every little detail of walls..Walls have such character and story.. such interesting history..You have an eye of art.. one that sees a truly amazing subject to capture.. Your buildings are beautiful pieces of architectural photogaphy!! I love the angles you capture on them….cheers, Linda
Thank you, Linda, for visiting and having such nice words for me. I am glad you enjoyed your visit here. Please come again whenever you want to.
Happy New Year to you too!
Life Ramblings, thank you! I just finish the post for tomorrow…I’ll go to sleep as it is 3 AM here, in Romania. Have a nice day!
Crucea incarligata despre care amintesti mai sus (o svastica), cu bratele in sensul acelor de ceasornic, am intalnit-o si in Islanda, ca semn al lui Thor, Zeul Tunetului. Ar fi interesant ca cineva care stie detalii despre evolutia acestui semn, sa le impartaseasca…
Apare in Asia in multe locuri dar si in Grecia veche, ca simbol protector.
Probabil pe internet se pot gasi detalii, daca am timp, voi cauta.
Great photos
Thank you, Hanjie!