Să ne reamintim că e încă iarnă…

Intrerup pentru o zi povestile mele din India. In orasul meu, de multi ani, nu prea mai este iarna. Cateva zile cu zapada putina si gata, vine primavara. Anul acesta insa am avut o tura in jurul Anului Nou, eu venind de la cele 20-24 grade din India direct la zapada si frig si apoi parca ne pregateam sa asteptam…Iepurasul! De vreo doua zile insa a nins din nou la Timișoara si s-a asternut un strat subtire de zapada. Azi insa a nins toata inainte de masa, o ninsoare linistita, cu fulgi mici si desi, ca de poveste. Dupa pranz n-am mai rabdat si am iesit la plimbare, cu aparatul de fotografiat. Nu m-am dus prea departe de casa.

Mai intai, in Piata Unirii, pe care ati vazut-o si in postarea  din 5 noiembrie 2010:

 in asteptarea primaverii…

Apoi, in Piața Libertății, la Primaria Veche cum spunem noi aici, cu Monumentul Sfantului Nepomuk, pe care de asemenea l-ati vazut dar care a imbracat acum o hlamida alba, iar mica fantana din fata sa atrage nenumarati porumbei, care stau frumos si pozeaza, pentru ca apoi sa isi ia brusc zborul, cu un falfait asurzitor:

 Monumentul Sf. Nepomuk

In cele din urma, m-am dus in Parcul Botanic. Exact cu o saptamana in urma, intr-o zi calda ca de primavara, vremea m-a scos din nou din casa la pozat si iata cum arata acelasi parc atunci:

Azi insa, peisajul era cu totul altul:

Dupa 2-3 ore petrecute in zapada am revenit acasa si, de maine, “ma intorc in India”.

Let’s remind it is still winter…

I interrupt for one day my Indian stories. Here, in my town, in the Western part of Romania, we do not have much of a winter. Some days with little snow and then we are ready for the spring! This year was different. Around the New Year we had a lot of snow. I came from the 20-24 degrees Celsius in India, to -10 degrees in the night and minus -6-7 during the day. Then the snow was gone and it was much warmer, as Easter days would be already here! So, one week ago, I went to the Botanical Garden and took some pictures. Part of them are in this post.

For 2 days we have snow again. The snowfall of today was like in a fairytale! So I couldn’t resist, took my camera and went out. Firstly, I went to the Union Square, which you already saw in my post from November, 5, 2010 (or you may see it now). Then, to the Liberty Square, with the St. Nepomuk statue, around which there were a lot of doves. Finally, I went again to the Botanic Garden but the landscape was completely different now. I was so excited by this beautiful snowfall of today that I had to show you my photos. Enjoy!


Să ne reamintim că e încă iarnă… — 38 Comments

  1. Cladirea aceea roz e draguta, parca nu face parte din oras, nu stiu cum, am avut un entiment ciudat in ceea ce o priveste.
    Anul acesta sper sa ajung si eu la Timisoara

  2. frumoasa fotografiile din parc. penultima imi place in mod special.banca respectiva deja imi trezeste reverii.astept cu nerabdare sa ma “intorc” in canicula si istoria Indiei.

  3. Foarte frumoase imagini.Ai devenit o specialista in a surprinde ceea ce este esential, frumos si relevant pentru locul respectiv. Asa iti dai seama ca aceleasi locuri sunt frumoase in toate anotimpurile si ca suntem binecuvantati sa avem 4 anotimpuri! Oare pentru cata vreme inca?

  4. Eventhough the place was covered with snow, it is still beautiful. I felt the negative six degrees just by looking at your wonderful photos. Haven’t experience real snow in my life. I must go there.

    I need a hot coffee to enjoy looking at this page again. Amazing amazing photographs esp those statues covered with snow.

  5. Hi, Magda! Thank you for sharing this. In the Northern Greek I was on Thassos last year and enjoyed very much. I’ve never tried Halkidiki. I started with more distant places like Corfu or Lefkada 🙂

  6. Am cam ramas in urma cu vizitele!
    La Timisoara ninge? Zapada?
    Frumos! Nu de alta dar ma gandeam sa-ti trimit de aici putina iarna adevarata…ha ha
    Daca ai chef, inscrie-te pe travel-forum Rainbow si la semnatura pune blogul tau! Sunt sigura ca sunt persoane interesate de India acolo. Poti posta si articole sau fotografii! E o platforma noua, la inceput!
    Uite link:


  7. Multumesc pentru invitatie, Wind! M-am inscris 🙂

    Da, anul acesta nu ne putem plange ca nu avem zapada. Si azi a fulguit usor, cu fulgi mititei dar destul de multa vreme. Chiar imi era dor de o asemenea iarna…Atat de dor incat cred ca saptamana viitoare dau o fuga (de cateva zile) pe valea Ariesului…

  8. I dont know if I wrote this to you before, but my mother’s family are from Romania. My mother is the first kid born in Turkey, after they emigrate. We still have some relatives down there.The sad part is, although its very close, I have never been to Romania. I hope one day and very soon.. Lovely snow pics. We did not see snow in İstanbul this year..

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