Here, on Vancouver island and the other little islands, a lot of artists made home. Some of them continued to work and, from time to time, they organize little exhibition like this. It was an exhibition with sale, presenting handmade jewels, small wooden sculptures, traditional furniture made of branches, etc.
After we admired everything, we descended on the beach. It was a typical Pacific beach in Canada: little, tucked in a cove, covered with pebbles and full of trunks carried by the ocean’s waters and abandoned on the shore.
The last stop was Port Renfrew, a real wilderness spot! Two big trails for backpackers: Juan de Fuca Trail – 47 km and West Coast Trail – 74 km, two lakes: Fairy Lake and Lizard Lake, a wonderful park called Botanical Beach (very dangerous because of big and strong tidal waves, and also because of black bears and cougars) are some of the favourites for the visitors. Swimming, canoeing, hiking, and fishing are the principal activities there.
Aici, pe Insula Vancouver si pe micile insule din jur, traiesc artisti plastici, actori si muzicieni, in case de vis.
Multi continua sa lucreze aici si, din cand in cand, organizeaza cate o expozitie. Cea pe care am vazut-o era cu vanzare si prezenta bijuterii facute manual, sculptura mica in lemn, mobila traditionala facuta din copaci (moda care s-a extins si la noi in ultimii ani).
Ultima oprire in aceasta excursie a fost Port Renfrew, o mica comunitate asezata in salbaticie, un paradis al pescarilor. Aici se afla doua mari drumuri pentru amatorii de drumeție (Juan de Fuca Trail – 47 km si West Coast Trail – 74 km), cu rucsacul, dar si doua lacuri, Lacul Zanelor si Lacul Soparlei. Se poate pescui, innota, plimba cu caiakul, etc. Plaja Botanica este foarte frumoasa dar necesita precautii datorita populatiilor de ursi negri si cougari, precum si a valurilor mari si puternice create de fenomenul de flux/reflux.
a bed by the sea on an open air ground. beautiful! but i cant take the heat sleeping there by day. by night i will for sure do.
What a wonderful looking spot. I love the idea of the outdoor bed.
It was only an exhibition, dong ho. I would like to see boats and ships passing by…
Even if that was an exhibition, Canadians love outdoor activities a lot, Randy!
Buna ziua,
Ma iertati ca va deranjez .Vin cu rugamintea la d-voastra sa scrieti un articol pe blogul d-voastra si sa distribuiti mai departe pe facebook despre mama mea, Gabriela Tudorache care este foarte bolnava . Este diagnosticata cu meningiom , o tumoare cerebrala care i-a afectat vederea si trebuie sa se opereze cat mai repede la o clinica din Germania unde ni se cere 35 000 EUR plus cheltuieli de cazare si transport .
Viata si vederea ei depind de aceasta operatie , iar mie si fratelui meu ne este foarte greu sa o vedem cum indura zilnic cumplitele dureri de cap si ametelile .Timpul nu ne permite sa asteptam si va rugam sa scrieti un articol despre cazul ei . Mai multe detali le gasiti pe Sau ne puteti contacta la nr de tel. 0724342082. Va rugam , daca sunteti de acord sa ne lasati si un raspuns .
Va multumesc din inima pentru sprijinul acordat.
This place is amazing! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Joo!
I can stay on that bed all day. Soo beautiful.I like the artworks too. Can’t stop saying WOW seeing all these photos.
I thank you for your enthusiasm, Rizalenio!
Ady, ti-am preluat mesajul. Sanatate!
Again such a great blog and what an enormous bed there in the rocks! Also I read about cougars and black bears. Brrr …. I see that only army in the zoo.
Greetings, Helma
Thanks, Helma! I am so glad to be able to go there.