Doi Suthep is one of the most important religious site in Thailand. The gold and the glittering colored glass, together with interesting architectural details offergreat subjects for the photographers.
A songthaew took the three of us there and back in town for only 500 bht (aprox. 12 euros). Travel time is 25-30 minutes, depending on traffic. Up there, it is a small market. You can climb to the wat on a stair with 300 steps,watched by nagas or you may take the automatic elevator (50 bht, Golden Chedi included).
The Golden Chedi is surrounded by a gallery holding a lot of Buddha’s images. On the walls scenes of His life are depicted. There are a lot of visitors, many monks among them. The chedi has the traditional bell shape and the devotees go in circles around it, praying. A lot of Buddhas are around the chedi, in different postures. One of them is a large copy of the Emerald Buddha, which is now to be seen in Bangkok.
De la Templul Doi Suthep m-am intors cu aproape 300 de fotografii. Construit in 1383, el se afla aproape de varful Muntelui Suthep de la care isi ia numele, la 15 km in nord vestul orasului. Se spune ca regele Keuna ar fi ales un elefant alb, care sa poarte relicve ale lui Buddha si i-a dat drumul pe munte, hotarand ca acolo unde se va opri elefantul sa se odihneasca, va ridica templul. A construit chedi-ul principal, imbracat in aur, iar restul constructiilor au fost adaugate in sec. al XVI-lea. Aurul si sticla colorata, care lucesc peste tot, la care se adauga interesante detalii decorative, le fac interesante obiective fotografice.
Wat Doi Suthep este unul dintre cele mai importante locuri religioase din intreaga tara, constituind un adevarat loc de pelerinaj.
Am inchiriat un songthaew/texi rosu care cu 500 bht (aprox.12 euro) ne-a dus si ne-a adus inapoi in oras, pe toti trei. Drumul dureaza 25-30 minute, depinde de traficul de pe serpentine. Se ajunge intr-o piata plina de tarabe, la capatul careia se afla parcarea. La templu se ajunge urcand cele 300 de trepte ale unei scari marginite de balustradele naga sau utilizand unul dintre cele doua lifturi. Urcarea, impreuna cu vizita la chedi, costa 50 bht (1.2 euro).
Pentru a intra in curtea in care se afla chedi-ul de aur, trebuie sa te descalti. Ea este inconjurata de o galerie plina de statui aurite, avand peretii pictati cu scene din viata lui Buddha. Aici vei vedea cea mai mare densitate a vizitatorilor, printre care se afla si calugari de la alte temple.
Vai cât de frumoasă e ţara asta! Incredibilă.
Your photos are so beautiful! I would love to visit this place one day!
Poate iti faci vreun plan, Liliana! Majoritatea se gandesc la Thailanda in legatura cu marea si plaja, dar ea are foarte mult de oferit ca si cultura!
Joo, it is not so difficult. Everything is much cheaper there than in Europe, you only have to find the cheapest way to go there!
Such a plethora of beautiful ornamentation. I especially like the images of the market and the children. Wonderful presentation TH!
Thanks a lot, Doug!
enjoyed your beautiful photos!
Welcome and thank you, Theanne!
Superb si impresionant .
La Templul de Argint cand ajungi cu povestirea, ca mi-a spus Aeashi ca are un zid inconjurat cu toate zodiile …..
Pentru a fotografia in interior ai platit extra sau la ei nu sunt atatea restrictii?
Am scris deja, cartim, ai si comentat( la nr.13). Am doar o singura poza cu zodiile si nu am pus-o la postare.
Nu am platit nicaieri vreo taxa suplimentara pentru fotografiat.
I love these girl’s ethnic costumes.They’re beautiful.
The robe of priests are also interesting.They’re different from those of ours.
And the golden statues of Buddha!
They’re beautiful.
Thanks so much for your comment, Kumiko! In Japan the costumes are black and grey, no?
Asata cu pozatul este ceva bun , ca in Europa mai putin esti lasat sa te desfasori in voie cu aparatul foto…
Bine ca a fotografiat Arashi , catelul , (zodia) altfel nu as fi vazut cum e reprezentata la ei
cartim, daca te intorci la Templul de Argint, am adaugat singura poza pe care o am cu reprezentarile zodiacului, pe postament:)
That you have brought along many photographs will also let you happy. Also this series is again superb with lots of information. The monks, the boedah’s. I read that the gold-colored glass, and that you would not really say. It’s awfully nice.
Greetings, Helma
Thanks a lot, Helma, for reading my post.
5-6 times I see your photos my beloved friend,because i do not to lose the details!
Amazing pictures and wonderful places!!!!
I have been to Bangkok and Pattaya, but many years ago, without a digital camera.
I thank you, wonderful series!!!!
many kisses
Thank you so much, Magda, for your kind words! I am glad you enjoyed this post.