1 Decembrie – La Multi Ani, Romania! / December, 1 – Happy Birthday, Romania!

La multi ani, romani!


Tudor Gheorghe is a well known Romanian folk ballad singer, who sings his own compositions. This ballad, entitled “There, Is My Country” is nicely illustrated by images from Romania. I found this the best way to illustrate the moment. Enjoy!


1 Decembrie – La Multi Ani, Romania! / December, 1 – Happy Birthday, Romania! — 24 Comments

  1. Melodia este frumoasa, dar parca nu mai doresc atatea declaratii, as dori sa vad mai multe fapte care sa demonstreze patriotismul….

    La mine patriotismul local este mai puternic, nu ma simt reprezentat de Bucuresti…prea multa vrajba…

    La multi ani!! !!!

  2. Happy Birthday Romania!!
    The Video is excellent!
    I am sure you must have visited most of the places shown in the video. Lovely song to go with it.
    The bead work on the hats are just like how they make in India in far off cold and snowy hilly regions. Some of scenes of the rivers is so much like India.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you, rama! I am glad you enjoyed. There are common roots for the folk art in the whole world! I found the video on YouTube. Surely I’ve seen most of the places:) I’m a long time traveller!

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