Uji is a place where the tradition meets modernism. It is well known for the tea cultivated in this area, but also as being the scene where the last part of the oldest and longest novel – The Tales of Genji – took place. A special museum was organised, on 1998, to present this story. Statues representing the heroes and the writer are scattered in town.
Byodo-in Temple and Ujigami Shrine, both UNESCO protected, attract many tourists, and so do the other temples. Uji is a place where nobility choose to erect their vacation residences.
The river Uji crosses the town, and hills are all around. The blooming cherry trees along the river make this place a nice promenade. I even encountered a coffee shop bearing my name, Adriana! The owner, who traveled in Europe, especially in Italy, seems to like this name.
Uji, un orasel cu 190000 de locuitori, asezat in calea istoriei intre doua orase imperiale: Kyoto si Nara, are destule lucruri de oferit turistilor. Am fost acolo impreuna cu Kumiko, bloggerita din Yoshino.
In primul rand e un oras vechi in care strazile traditionale coexista cu cele moderne.
In al doilea rand, Uji este vestit pentru ceaiul cultivat in zona. De aceea, pe straduta care duce la Templul Byodo-in, gasesti – alaturi de magazinele de suveniruri – si o gramada unde se vinde si se degusta ceaiul.
In al treilea rand, aici se petrece actiunea ultimei parti a celui mai vechi si lung roman, “Povestirile lui Genji” (Genji’s Tales), apartinand scriitoarei Murasaki Shikibu. De aceea, orasul a dedicat romanului un muzeu, inaugurat in 1998. In interior, ilustrarea romanului se impleteste cu cea a prezentarii vietii nobilimii in perioada Edo. Prezentarea audio-video este doar in limba japoneza. In oras, sunt mai multe statui, reprezentand eroii romanului.
In al patrulea rand, in oras se afla doua monumente UNESCO, Templul Byodo-in si Altarul Ujigami. Despre primul, voi scrie in postarea urmatoare. Uji, fiind o zona in care nobilimea isi construia case de vacanta, in imprejurimi au aparut si numeroase alte temple.
Ordinea de prezentare a atractiilor orasului este aleatorie, dar reprezinta si zig-zagul nostru prin Uji.
Peisajul frumos este intregit de raul Uji, traversat de mai multe poduri. De-a lungul sau, printre ciresii in floare, oamenii au iesit sa se plimbe, atrasi de vremea frumoasa.
Cautand muzeul, am ajuns intr-un cartier frumos, de vile, una mai frumoasa ca alta (pentru cei care gusta acest stil).
Aici am avut surpriza sa vad o cafenea care imi purta numele – Adriana. Mi-am exprimat fata de o doamna care trebaluia pe acolo mirarea – prin intermediul lui Kumiko – si dansa l-a chemat pe proprietar. Ne-a povestit ca a calatorit in Europa si mai ales in Italia, unde a intalnit acest nume, care i-a placut mult. Cand si-a deschis cafeneaua, i-a dat acest nume. Era si el uimit ca a gasit, in Japonia, pe cineva care purta acest nume. E una din micile intamplari care apar intr-o calatorie.
A nice mix of quite different and interesting images!
Thanks, VP!
Again a very versatile blog Traveling Hawk, again with many beautiful photos. I read that you were there ALONG with a fellow blogger and that is always fun. Now I understand why you have captured that wonderful tea caddies Uji is famous because of the tea. I loved your photos and your story there.
Warmest regards, Helma
Thank you very much, Helma, for the nice words!
Nice series of shots. I like that sculpture.
I sure like the opportunity to run around on streets of Japan !
Thanks, Randy! I don’t know what represents that statue, as it was no explanation there.
Thank you, Wong!
Hello, Traveling Hawk.
Your exquisite work leads my impression.
The passion for the art. It is universal.
Thank you visit to my garden.
The prayer for all peace.
Have a good weekend. From Japan, ruma❃
Thank you, ruma, for your visit here!
It is always a pleasure to come here, as I can feast on some of the most beautiful pictures of different parts of the world.
It gives an opportunity for people like me to see these places through the pictures and articles written by you.
Thanks, rama, for the considerate words!
Nice work!
Welcome, Piipsy! Thanks for the comment.
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