Arigato, Japonia! 25. Expozitia de chimonouri de la Unryu-in / Arigato, Japan! 25. Kimono Exhibition at Unryu-in Temple

Unryu-in, as part of Sennyu-ji Temple, was constructed in 1372 by the order of the Emperor Gokogon. Later on, his son, founded here a centre for sutras transcriptions, called Shakyo. In 1470 the temple has been burned out but it ws reconstructed during the Edo and Meiji periods. Situated on a hill, in the middle of a forest. In the Southern Kyoto, this temple is less known by the hordes of tourists which invade Kyoto on April. So, me and Kumiko, my blogger friend from Yoshino, whom I firstly met in Nara, have been the only visitors in that particular day.
As a bonus for me, the temple hosted a kimono exhibition those days. I always admired them, so I had the ocession to see them and even to try one, as you will see. 
The gardens are beautiful there, and the “enlightment window” adds to the charm of the place. In the kitchen, we discovered a statue of Daikokuten, one of the Seven Deities of Good Fortune.
Finaly, we admired the kimonos. In the end, I tried one (paying an additional 500 yen), and Kumiko took a lot of photos. Enjoy!

Unryu-in este un sub-templu al Sennyu-ji, pe care l-am vizitat impreuna cu Kumiko, blogherita din Yoshino. Eu am propus traseul, iar ea a avut amabilitatea de a vizita inainte locurile pentru a vedea cum ne vom incadra in timp. Postarile care urmeaza sunt rezultatul acestei zile petrecute, din nou, impreuna.

Templul a fost construit in 1372, la cererea imparatului Gokogon. Fiul acestuia a infiintat aici un centru de copiere a sutrelor, numit Shakyo. In 1470 templul a fost distrus d eun incendiu dar apoi a fost reconstruit in timpul perioadelor Edo si Meiji. Situat in padure, pe culmea unuia dintre dealurile din sudul orasului Kyoto, e mic si mult mai putin cunoscut hoardelor de turisti de o zi care invadeaza orasul in aprilie. De aceea, am fost singurele vizitatoare in acel moment. Chiar la intrare, langa casa de bilete, era expus un minunat kimono. Cand m-a vazut admirandu-l, cea de la casa i-a spus ceva lui Kumiko care mi-a tradus ca este o mica expozitie de kimonouri, purtate in filme de actrite celebre, si ca, daca platesc 500 de yen in plus, pot incerca unul dintre ele.

Am facut mai intai un tur, bucurandu-ne de minunata gradina a templului si de “fereastra iluminarii”. Apoi, in bucatarie, am gasit statuia Daikokuken, una dintre cele sapte zeitati ale norocului, un alt obiectiv al templului

camera de oaspeti, Kyaku-Den
 “fereastra iluminarii”

Am admirat apoi, indelung, kimonourile expuse. Desigur, iti trebuie mult mai multe cunostinte decat am eu despre semnificatia desenelor tesaturii. Desenul, culoarea, motivele, toate sunt legate de un anumit anotimp, de un anumit moment al anului sau chiar al purtarii kimonoului respectiv, de un anume eveniment. M-au fascinat mereu, din punct de vedere estetic si iata ca acum aveam ocazia sa vad de aproape, cateva.

desenul este o broderie de mana pe acest kimono care ilustreaza Japonia in epoca Edo

Inainte de plecare a venit si momentul in care am imbracat un kimono si Kumiko mi-a facut o serie de poze. Puteti vedea relatarea vizitei si pe blogul ei, aici:


Arigato, Japonia! 25. Expozitia de chimonouri de la Unryu-in / Arigato, Japan! 25. Kimono Exhibition at Unryu-in Temple — 14 Comments

  1. Mi se pare un templu foarte frumos cu gradini deosebite.Cat despre kimono-uri cred ca sunt deosebite si lucrate manual, presupun.

    Cum te-ai simtit in kimono?? Ce senzatie ai avut ?

  2. Travelign Hawk I read your report about your visit to the temple and that you and your blogger friend Kumiko have visited. What a great series kimonos show yourself. Really very nice this blog.

    Greetings, Helma

  3. It pleases me to no end when I can visit a wonderful place others have not discovered or off-season. There is something so magical about having such a place to oneself. I was happily shocked a few years ago when I was able to revisit the Great Wall of China devoid of humans (the typical photos show throngs of tourists)! So I can relate to your being happy to visit this Unryu-in Temple alone with your blogging friend. The kimono textiles are divine. I’m glad you showed the close-up of the exquisite embroidery.

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