At the end of Nishiki Market you may visit the Shin Kyogoku Shrine, and pray for prosperity by rubbing the bronze cow. The name of the temple means “the margins of the town”, as this street was in the time of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who relocated some temples here.
Further on, you may walk the Teramachi Shopping Arcade to Shijo (the main commercial street of Kyotot). Here you will find a lot of shops, selling almost everything, and also patchinko and karaoke parlors.
Dupa o zi de vizitat temple, Piata Nishiki poate fi prilej de relaxare. Ea se prezinta sub forma unui culoar lung de cca. 400 m, acoperit de o cupola de sticla colorata, sub care se insira cele 126 standuri ale vanzatorilor. Aflata in aceasta locatie inca din epoca Heian, ea este supranumita “bucataria orasului Kyoto”. Te deplasezi aici de la un stand la altul, printre produse alimentare tipic japoneze si locuri in care poti servi o gustare. Localnicii vin sa cumpere legume proaspete, carne, fructe de mare sau dulciuri traditionale. Este o lume care incanta simturile: miros (uneori nu tocmai placut pentru noi, europenii), vaz, auz (strigatele vanzatorilor) si gust. Standurile sunt deschise intre 9 – 18, dar unele se inchid chiar si mai tarziu.
You have a good eye for details…..great shots again.
greetings, Joop
Thanks again, Joop! Have a great weekend!
I always make a point of visiting a market in a different culture, it is an education in itself. This is a splendid example with the colours even up to the roof.
Great looking market.
Hi, J_on_tour! I’m so glad you are back! I also like markets and visit them whenever I have the opportunity. I visited this one late, so many shops were already closed. My special aim in Kyoto was to visit as many gardens and temples I can. So, every other objective was visited only after 5 p.m., the time when all the temples are closed.
Thanks, Randy! It is also interesting to see all those unknown products.
Traveling Hello Hawk,
what a long indoor market with all the food stalls and what I see lying there. The fish of picture 4, I find it a little bit scary hihi …… but this is so nice to just to see
After rubbing the bronze cow welfare. Again a very beautiful and colorful blog.
Greetings, Helma
Yes, that fish is scary, Helma, and I don’t like to eat fish:) Thanks for the visit.
Wow, what an amazing display of colors and foods! It is the kind of place the attracts the hungry shopper :^)
You are right, Doug. I tried a cake with red bean paste, which was very good.
Cred că dacă aş putea alege unde să locuiesc un an de zile din viaţă, Japonia ar fi acel loc … E atât de diferită de tot ce cunosc eu acum, e o cu totul şi cu totul altă lume.
Asa e, Liliana! Votez cu ambele maini. Am lasat atatea lucruri nevazute acolo, doar in acea zona, care nu e asa de mare, dar in toata Japonia!? Pacat ca e asa de departe…Dar cred ca asta e valabil pentru mai multe locuri. Numai ca mie Japonia “imi vorbeste” mai mult ca altele…Poate intr-o viata anterioara am trait in Asia…