Arigato, Japonia! 34. Kyoto modern / Arigato, Japan! 34. Modern Kyoto

In zilele noastre, Kyoto este al 7-lea oras al Japoniei, cu o populatie de 1.4 milioane de locuitori. Datorita faptului ca intre 794-1868 a fost capitala imperiala, aici se afla nenumarate temple si altare  (aprox. 2000), palate si gradini, vile si case traditionale, muzee, care atrag anual cca. 30 milioane de turisti (cf. wikipedia).

Nu as putea spune ca, din punct de vedere arhitectural, strazile din Kyoto m-au dat gata. Prea putine au fost cladirile care mi-au atras atentia, intre care gara, despre care am scris deja, a fost o placuta exceptie. Tot atat de adevarat este ca nici nu am avut timp sa ma plimb prin oras, observatiile mele bazandu-se mai mult pe imagini “furate” din autobuze si pe o singura dupa-amiaza cand m-am aventurat in partea moderna a orasului. Elemente autohtone coexista cu cladiri de inspiratie europeana. Mari branduri japoneze se intalnesc cu cele europene sau americane. Va las sa judecati singuri.


Arigato, Japonia! 34. Kyoto modern / Arigato, Japan! 34. Modern Kyoto — 8 Comments

  1. Funny, I don’t even remember this modern side of Kyoto. Not that I didn’t see it, of course… it just left little impression! Hope you’re having a grand time at your little chalet in the mountains, TH!

  2. It’s not the astonishing modern architecture one would expect in Japan. I guess you have to go to Tokyo for that. I just wanted little variation in my photos, so I walked once at those streets. In the rest of the time, I was busy with the temples and gardens:)

    Yes, it’s nice here, at the chalet. It’s much cooler as in town, at least mornings and evenings. We had 38 Celsius degrees in my town, when we left.

  3. I like seeing the contrast of these modern cities with the old temples and gardens. Japan seems to manage keeping its history and traditions alive, even in the midst of rapid change. I love seeing the Starbucks… as I drink my morning coffee :^) Hope you have a wonderful vacation in the mountains!

  4. Acest timp nu blog în limba engleză, dar funcţionează la fel de bine 🙂 Aceasta este doar foarte diferită de la temple şi munţii pe care le arată altfel. Mă bucur că-ţi arăt cât de diferit poate fi.

    Salutări, Helma

  5. In my country, I find that all large cities with regards to shops are becoming stereotypical. In certain parts of the world this is being replicated which is a shame. I tend to stay away or avoid these places because sometimes I might feel that I am in my home town … although there is an exception with Starbucks … it makes me feel at home 🙂

  6. That’s globalization, J_on_your! I agree with you and for this reason I visited only temples and gardens in Kyoto. These photos were taken one day, when I returned “home”, and I walked in the center only to take some photos:)

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