This is a place where you come to see and to be seen. It’s a meeting point for youth. Like in America Mura, the young people show here their own fashion.
The pancakes with crabs and octopus are famous here and so are the advertisers. But the most famous advertisment is that with Glico man. It is old but the people in Osaka loved it, so they protested when it was decided to take it out. And Glico stayed.
Dotonbori, un loc din Osaka cautat mai ales seara datorita numeroaselor locuri de distractie existente aici, si-a luat numele de la Yasui Doton, care a construit in aceasta zona un canal pentru transport. La inceput, existau aici mai multe teatre dar, in timp, multe s-au inchis. Au ramas insa numeroasele restaurante, baruri si cafenele, infiintate pentru spectatorii de teatru.
Acesta este locul unde vii ca sa vezi si sa fii vazut. Numerosi tineri se aduna aici spre seara, cand se aprind luminile si reclamele luminoase de neon. Ca si in America-Mura, ei isi etaleaza moda proprie.
Cel putin un teatru a mai ramas in Dotonbori
dar cine crede ca are talent, poate da spectacolul chiar in strada.
Clatitele cu crabi si caracatita sunt faimoase in Osaka, iar cele mai bune, le gasesti in Dotonbori (cel putin asa spun altii si eu…i-am crezut pe cuvant). Firma cu crabul animat, care isi misca clestii, rezista de multa vreme aici, devenind chiar un simbol al acestui cartier al restaurantelor, impreuna cu cele cu caracatita.
Dar cel mai cunoscut, cel pentru care locuitorii orasului au facut o adevarat pasiune si l-au aparat cu vehementa atunci cand s-a dorit sa fie dat jos, fiind prea invechit, este Glico! Acesta e binecunoscutul brand al unor bomboane bogate in glicogen, care dau multa energie.
Some really funny shots here!
I’m glad you enjoyed, VP!
I love all of the large ads.
Me too, Randy, especially that of Asahi beer:)
I saw some Japan fashion. Very interesting as always.
The benches looking at the river are inviting to sit at.
This is the reason of the post, Rizalenio: to show young fashion and youth habits. Thanks for the visit, my friend!
Yup, the Japanese youth really do have a style their very own. 🙂
Which I think is very funny, Francisca. I am used with it from the Japanese TV serials.
These photos are wonderful.
Your first visit to Doutonbori…
It is really interesting.
How was the impression of these big crab,octopus?
And how do you think of Japanese young girl’s fashion,compared to girls in your country? Are they similar?
I knew the famous crab from internet photos, and I appreciated to be able to se eit in person. The young girls’fashion in my country is similar with the western European one, very different of the Japanese fashion. The last one is known from the Japanese TV serials, as I said. It’s something that only young girls could wear.