Merano and Bolzano are very near. I spent only few hours in Bolzano and only in the center. For me, it was the same impression of little Austrian town. Even the languages spoken on the streets were equally divided: Italian and German.
I explored some streets and squares around the railway station, and took some photographs. What I retained was the Fruit Market with the Fountain of Neptun and Il Duomo, the cathedral of the town.
The fountain is ornated by a bronze statue and makes a good photographic objective. The Dome is a mixture of Gothic and Baroque.
In spite of the short time spent there, I consider Bolzano a good location for exploration in one of my planned trip in Tyrol, both the Austrian and the Italian ones.
Cele doua localitati, Merano si Bolzano sunt foarte aproape una de cealalta. Bolzano, vizitat pe fuga si doar in centru, mi-a dat aceeasi stare de vizita a unui orasel austriac. Chiar si limbile vorbite pe strada se imparteau frateste: italiana si germana.
In asa numita Piata de fructe, unde am ajuns mergand pe strada Goethe, am retinut Fantana lui Neptun,
impodobita cu o statuie de bronz a zeului marilor, datorata lui G. Mayr (1744-1746). Turistii se fotografiaza sau pur si simplu stau de vorba in fata ei.
cladiri in Piata de fructe
Fantana lui Neptun
In apropierea garii, in Piata Walther, care poarta numele poetului Walther von der Vogelweide, se afla Il Duomo, catedrala orasului, dedicata Ridicarii la cer a Mariei. Stilul gotic se imbina armonios cu cel baroc, in interior si exterior. Cu aparatul meu clasic nu am putut face poze in interiorul frumos decorat. (amvonul gotic din a doua jumatate a secolului al 16-lea sau altarul principal din marmora, baroc, prima jumatate a secolului al 18-lea, frescele din secolul al 15-lea). Mi-a ramas ca amintire doar leul care sprijina coloana unei usi, asemeni celor din Venetia, Udine sau Trento.
Il Duomo
Oricat de scurt a fost popasul meu in acest loc, el mi-a ramas in minte ca punct de sprijin potrivit, intr-o vacanta propusa pentru intregul Tirol, cel austriac si cel italian.
Nice impression….good shots.
Thanks, Joop!
So many beautiful buildings and things to photograph.
Thanks, Randy!
I like your photos, they are nostalgic and make me think of how photography was during that time. It also reminds me of some of the European cities that I’ve visited during the late 90s. But you have much better quality photos to show for. Good job!
Hello Hawk Traveling
I’m walking on mega behind you, but now you put multiple travel down a row.
Especially photo 4 and 7 of this trip I great to see. Thank you.
Greetings, Helma
it’s always refreshing and interesting to learn new places through your lens. lovely architecture.
Icw, thank you for your words which are more than my merits. Digital photos made after paper photos (re-photographed)loose quality. But as I explained elsewhere, I used them in order to show the places where I have strolled in time.
Thank you, Helma. I am glad you keep pace with my trips.
Thanks, Life Ramblings, for coming along:)
Nice tour. I can imagine the problem that you had getting those horns composed into your photo.
That’s true, J_on_tour:)