Calator in Thailanda 13. Wat Srisuphan sau Templul de Argint / Traveller in Thailand 13. Wat Srisuphan or the Silver Temple

The Silver Temple has a special place in the religious landscape of Chang Mai. It was built in 1502 but almost nothing is left from the original. Certain years ago a great renovation begun here. The temple is situated just outside the gate of the Old Town, in the silversmiths village. There is a silvercraft school on the premises of the temple, which perpetuates the craft.

In the viharn you may see nice Buddha images. The walls are adorned with silver panels, depicting scenes of Buddha’s life. 

What really attracts visitors here is the ubosot, covered in massive silver from the basis to the top, inside and outside. Women are not aloud inside, so I took some pictures using my zoom. There are also some shrines outside, dedicated to Ganesha.

The spaces were the monks live are very simple, like a village. We left this temple with the impression that we have just been received in a silver palace from our fairy-tales.

Templul de Argint este unul deosebit in peisajul religios al Chang Mai-ului. El se afla in afara Orasului Vechi, in imediata apropiere a unei porti, in satul mesterilor argintari. A fost construit in 1502, dar a mai ramas putin din templul original. Intregul complex se afla, de cativa ani, in renovare.

 intrarea in viharn

Viharnul adaposteste in interiorul sau frumoase imagini ale lui Buddha.

Pe pereti, panouri din argint infatiseaza scene din viata lui Buddha.

Portretul regelui, inconjurat de flori si ofrandele nu lipsesc nici ele.

Afara, in partea laterala a viharnului, admiram lucratura unei intrari, precum si cateva animale mitologice.

Vizita noastra se desfasoara pe fondul muzicii live, oferita de o mica orhestra de instrumente traditionale.

Langa ubosot sunt cateva altare unde il vedem pe Ganesha si ne ducem cu gandul la India. Comentariile sunt de prisos aici, asa ca va las in tovarasia fotografiilor.

 ubosot si altarele din exterior

Ne indreptam apoi spre ubosot, partea cea mai interesanta a complexului. Peretii acestuia, in interior si exterior, sunt acoperiti in intregime de o imensa cantitate de argint. Intrarea femeilor este interzisa, asa ca ma multumesc sa fac o fotografie a lui Buddha adapostit in interior, utilizand zoom-ul. Se poate insa observa maiestria si minutiozitatea mesterilor argintari. De altfel, templul adaposteste si o scoala pentru argintari, prin intermediul careia se pastreaza traditia acestui mestesug. Decorative sunt si treptele de beton si braul care inconjoara postamentul pe care este ridicat ubosot-ul si care este ornamentat cu semnele zodiacului.


Cativa calugari matura aleile complexului. Spatiile locuite de ei sunt simple, amintind de viata la tara.

Soarele sta sa apuna, asa ca parasim si noi Wat Srisuphan cu impresia ca am fost primiti la un palat de argint din povesti.


Calator in Thailanda 13. Wat Srisuphan sau Templul de Argint / Traveller in Thailand 13. Wat Srisuphan or the Silver Temple — 20 Comments

  1. nu stiu daca sunt “mai”, cartim dar sunt! 🙂 In acest templu gasesti si culoare dar si lucirea blanda a argintului mangaiat de soarele la apus. Thailanda e o tara care merita cercetata mai in detaliu.

  2. Wonderful pics!

    I love this silver panel, which depicts Buddha ‘s life.

    They’re amazing!!

    And I’m happy if you check my new post when you have time.

    Have a nice day!

  3. Hi Traveling Hawk,

    this series is indeed shorter, but your photos are as beautiful and colorful again. A feast for the eyes and let your readers so really you travel in your travels 🙂

    Too bad there is almost nothing left of the original Silver Temple. The renovation is just very good for our descendants to show what it was.

    The Buddha statues are beautifully displayed.

    Greetings, Helma

  4. Thanks, Doug! For the rest is too late: not many years of good health left, less resources…but I do not complain, I’m happy I was able to saw at least a part of the world. One more travel in distant world and then, we will see what the future has in store for us:)

  5. I do not know what to admire first!
    Amazing treasures!
    Your photos are fantastic and I thank you very much for your interesting information!!!
    Many greetings and kisses

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